Register Here for a Weekly Update on African News

By - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:1 分钟

Register Here for a Weekly Update on African News



在经济受到通货膨胀破坏的国家,加密货币是另一种存储价值的方式。 随着非洲大陆越来越多的人了解加密货币的这些属性和底层技术,他们对数字资产的需求也在增加。

As policymakers from other jurisdictions work on finding ways to stop or slow the adoption of this fintech, it becomes imperative that the African crypto story gets told more frequently. News has been one of the media platforms to regularly cover stories, events and individuals making a difference in Africa crypto’s space.

Now, in addition to regular African posts, News is launching a weekly newsletter which essentially recaps all the major crypto and economic news from the continent. Readers interested in keeping tabs on African events can do so by subscribing to the newsletter via the sign-up link below.




原始来源: Bitcoin