
By Bitcoin.com - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:3 分钟


关于美国提高债务上限的评论很多,美国财政部长珍妮特耶伦上个月表示,美国违约将是“毁灭性的”,欧洲央行行长克里斯蒂娜拉加德警告说,如果违约将是一场“重大灾难”美国违约了。 现在看来,共和党政客愿意提高国家的债务上限,但前提是其他立法者废除《降低通胀法案》中关于绿色能源和气候变化的规定。


本周末,有很多关于废除拜登政府的《降低通胀法案》中的几项措施的讨论。 由众议院议长凯文·麦卡锡 (R-CA) 领导的共和党人正在 寻找直觉 the Inflation Reduction Act, and in return, they would be willing to raise the debt ceiling. On Wednesday, McCarthy 说过 that the repeals would “end the green giveaways for companies that distort the market and waste taxpayers’ money.”

McCarthy is not the only lawmaker proposing to repeal the Inflation Reduction Act. Congressman Andy Ogles (R-TN) 介绍立法 in February aimed at “repealing the Democrats’ record spending.” “President Biden and his House Democrat colleagues shoved through countless spending measures to further their woke ‘green agenda,'” Ogles said at the time. There were complaints against the Inflation Reduction Act before it was passed, with 230 economists 发送一封信 to the country’s House and Senate leaders explaining that the act would fuel inflation.

After McCarthy and the House Republicans’ plan was made public, White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates 说过 in a memo that Republicans want to “kill over 100,000 manufacturing jobs.” Biden took to Twitter on Sunday to complain about the repeal discussion. “Repealing the Inflation Reduction Act would mean doing nothing about the increasing ferocity of natural disasters, taking away clean-energy jobs, and turning your back on families living in towns poisoned by pollution,” Biden 啾啾. “伙计们,我们不能让这种事情发生。”

拜登的推文遭到了很多反对。 一个人 回答 对美国总统说,通货膨胀减少法案“与通货膨胀无关,而与增加气候危言耸听和向气候行业注入现金有关。” 另一个人 , “换句话说,你在‘降低通货膨胀法案’的作用上向美国人撒谎。 现在,你在说它能做什么。 为什么要说什么? 这全是谎言。” 另一个人 批评 美国总统在发生重大火车脱轨事故后没有访问俄亥俄州东巴勒斯坦。

The U.S. is expected to default on its obligations with private investors, foreign businesses, and other nation-states by the end of the summer if the debt limit is not raised. ECB President Christine Lagarde 说过 last week she was confident the U.S. would not let this happen as it would be a “major disaster.” The United States has accumulated more than $31 trillion in debt. Last month, after the collapse of three major banks in the U.S., Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen 坚持 that a debt limit breach would be “devastating” for American banks.

您认为应该采取什么措施来解决美国不断增加的债务并防止其债务违约? 在下面的评论部分分享您的想法。

原始来源: Bitcoin