Return of Darth Maul: Bitcoin Price Pumps And Dumps In 5% Shakeout

作者:NewsBTC - 2 年前 - 阅读时间:2 分钟

Return of Darth Maul: Bitcoin Price Pumps And Dumps In 5% Shakeout

Bitcoin price today has been more volatile than normal, and that’s a statement in and of itself. The normally notoriously explosive cryptocurrency rocketed more than $2,000 and nearly 5% this morning, only to then plummet and wipe out the entire rally and then some.

此次下跌导致加密货币下跌超过 7%,跌幅达到 3,000 美元,导致双向清算被抛在后面。到底是什么引发了这突如其来的风暴,这只是眼中的平静,还是疯狂已经结束?


Bitcoin saw a steep rejection from above $50,000 and bulls are now scrambling to build meaningful support that holds. If not, a deeper drop and a bear market remains a possibility. For now, whales are either playing games, or waging war with one another where both sides are losing big.

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A sharp move today in markets saw liquidations on both sides of the trade, and the volatility alone now has the market in a state of fear.

A pump this morning caused Bitcoin price to rise more than $2,000 and around 5%, only to immediately drop more than 7% and $3,000 to sweep support and lows. Anyone caught buying what they thought was a breakout, is now at a loss. And it all played out in less than one-hour from bottom to top then back down to the bottom.

The move pictured above took less than an hour | Source: BTCUSD on Bitcoin Price Rockets On Litecoin News, Crashes After Liftoff


Today’s wipeout move was driven by Litecoin and a suspicious scenario where a fake press release was distributed claiming Wal-Mart would support the cryptocurrency. When Wal-Mart denied the claim, an almost immediate 30% rally was erased, also taking Bitcoin price back down with it.

A Darth Maul is all that remains on the six-hour Bitcoin price chart | Source: BTCUSD on

What remains on the chart on higher timeframes, is a what the cryptocurrency community has so affectionately dubbed a Darth Maul candle.

Related Reading | Five Bitcoin Price Charts That Suggest Bulls Have Little To Fear



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原始来源: NewsBTC