Rhode Island Dangles Crypto Rewards For Home Builders With Low Carbon Emission

By Bitcoinist - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:2 分钟

Rhode Island Dangles Crypto Rewards For Home Builders With Low Carbon Emission

According to a February 2021 CNBC report, the carbon footprint of Bitcoin, the world’s largest crypto, is similar to that of New Zealand, with both generating approximately 37 megatons of carbon dioxide into the environment each year.

In Rhode Island’s House of Representatives, a bill has been introduced that would reward a home builder with bitcoin for lowering the project’s carbon footprint.

罗德岛州众议员 Carlos E. Tobon 为该州的住房危机提供了一种创新的补救措施,据报道,这也将有助于应对气候变化:创造一种新的数字货币。

推荐阅读 | EPA 对比。 Bitcoin:多尔西、塞勒和其他人反对立法者呼吁采取行动对抗。加密货币挖矿


The Green Housing Public-Private Partnership Act of Rhode Island was enacted to encourage the development of more LEED-certified buildings and homes by crediting developers for any carbon reductions they achieve.



消息人士透露,这项工作将通过总额为 625 亿美元的捐款池来资助。

前 500 亿美元预计将来自银行捐款,其余 125 亿美元预计将来自政府。


日线图上BTC总市值722.86亿美元 | 天天要闻资源: TradingView.com

Bitcoin’s Massive Energy Requirement

Bitcoin accounts for around 0.52 percent of total global electricity use, according to December 2021 estimates from the Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index.

That may not sound like much, but Digiconomist estimates Bitcoin’s annual total energy consumption to be around 204.50 terawatt-hours, roughly similar to Thailand’s.

尽管 Green Coin 的区块链网络未知,但它很可能是当今主流环保主义者更喜欢的更便宜的权益证明 (PoS) 网络。

住房数据追踪机构 Redfin 证实,罗德岛的住房供应在过去五年中一直在稳步下降,在 2022 年 XNUMX 月达到五年低点。



全新 homeowners in Austin City, Texas, are offered loans in USDC and MATIC altcoins as part of a scheme called USDC.homes.

This allows prospective homeowners to deposit their down payment in cryptocurrency, which is staked and earns the borrower interest that may be used to help pay down the loan.

推荐阅读 | 10 年后会有多少加密用户? 十亿,Coinbase CEO 预测

特色图片来自 The Coin Republic,图表来自 TradingView.com

原始来源: Bitcoin是