Ripple CTO Slams Theory That XRP Price Will Hit $50,000 Due To Buybacks

By Bitcoinist - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:3 分钟

Ripple CTO Slams Theory That XRP Price Will Hit $50,000 Due To Buybacks

Ripple CTO David Schwartz has spoken out in a recent tweet about the XRP buyback proposal that first surfaced in 2021 and is now resurfacing with a second iteration. The controversial proposal is currently being heatedly discussed again on Twitter after Valhil Capital CEO Jimmy Vallee 提出这个想法 一次。

该理论基于这样一种信念,即当全球政府债务飙升并且所有银行都转向 ISO 20022 并使用 XRP 进行跨境货币交易时,XRP 将成为世界储备货币。 这意味着世界各国政府将不得不购买大量 XRP。

根据 Vallee 的说法,这将产生回购的需要,因为政府无法在二级市场上购买 XRP。 此外,Valhil Capital 高管还指出在这种情况下需要类似布雷顿森林体系的案例,在这种情况下,国际货币基金组织将 XRP 视为 eSDR(特别提款权),XRP 持有人必须以特定价格向政府出售其代币。固定价格,就像黄金一样。

Vallee, Valhil Capital and a confidential committee would be basically in charge of informing the best possible outcome in that situation. Remarkably, Vallee estimates the price at $50,000 per XRP. This price and theory inherently makes for heated discussion. And Ripple CTO David Schwartz has also taken notice.

What people don't understand about the #XRP 回购建议

— CryptoLewLew (@cryptolewlew) 2022 年 12 月 15 日

Ripple Execs Slam The XRP Buyback Theory

然而,Schwartz 并没有在 XRP 回购提案上留下任何好印象。 在施瓦茨看来,它 容貌 like fraud on the surface. The Ripple CTO revealed that he hasn’t looked very closely at the theory, but drew a comparison to the frauds in 2012 and 2022.

“我没有仔细看过。 但我所看到的在我看来非常像一个骗局。 如果我们从 2012 年和 2022 年学到了什么,那就是任何承诺高回报和低风险的人几乎肯定会抢劫你,”施瓦茨说。

By his comparison to 2022, Schwartz is apparently referring to the collapses of Celsius, 3AC, BlockFi and also FTX. The comparison to 2012 is rather unclear, though he is likely referring to Trendon Shavers’ Bitcoin Savings & Trust (BST).

The BST was a pyramid scheme set up by Shavers in November 2011, offering a very high interest rate of 7% per week. At the time, the so-called investment platform attracted 500,000 Bitcoins, and collapsed within a year after Shavers misappropriated the money for personal expenses.

Matt Hamilton, former director of developer relations at Ripple, also thinks Vallee’s claims are illogical. In a series of 鸣叫,他怀疑这些计算,写道:

好吧,你又一次假设全球 GDP 的 100% 将转化为 XRP 价值? 为什么? 所有出口的商品,石油,食品,金融服务。 你认为在接下来的十年里,其中 100% 会神奇地变成 XRP 的价值吗? 如何?

根据汉密尔顿的说法,另一个仍未得到解答的问题是,为什么美国政府希望以“高得离谱的市价倍数”从持有者手中回购 XRP。

截至发稿时,XPR 价格跟随 更广泛的加密货币市场情绪 过去 3 小时内下跌 24%,交易价格为 0.3979 美元。

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