推测表明 Bitcoin 面对政府的强烈反对 

By Bitcoinist - 2 年前 - 阅读时间: 3 分钟

推测表明 Bitcoin 面对政府的强烈反对 

Emerging ‘conspiracy theories’ on possible stiffer conspired hostility on Bitcoin are beginning to be volleyed by crypto experts into their online channels. The alarms raise caution and discomfort over Bitcoin and the ecosystem’s future.

As suggested by the Chief Strategy Officer of CoinShares, Meltem Demirors, the attacks are as imminent as a few months from now. However, she boldly indicated they are different from those ever witnessed: contrived and “much more aggressive.”

in the coming months, attacks on bitcoin and to some degree, the broader crypto ecosystem, will become much more aggressive



-Meltem Demir◎rs(@Melt_Dem) 2021 年 7 月 10 日


However, some tempting traces cannot make many observers write off a possible gang-up between elites or their institutions over increasing animosity against Bitcoin.

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Government institutions have economic reasons to decide to wage war on Bitcoin (BTC). And derail this asset whose rise in the past few months has been nothing short of meteoric.

Bitcoin-One Potent Threat

Bitcoin and other unregulated, decentralized digital money are revolutionizing financial markets. These, resultantly as expected, have posed threats to the government.


日线图显示 Bitcoin fails to remain above the 35k mark | 来源:TradingView上的BTCUSD


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Meltom 和一些加密货币评论家将其描述为 21 世纪的新封建主义。然而,全球针对加密货币的协调监管行动日益增多,这让人们发出了警报,因为未来几个月可能会加大针对加密货币的力度,从而对该行业产生不利影响。 


Government-backed institutions of different states, in turn, over the weeks, have been assassinating Bitcoin with weak-narrative. And self-serving seeming fear-mongering, which had seen cryptocurrencies plummeting overnight.

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就中国共产党政府而言, 禁止 金融机构和支付公司提供与加密货币交易相关的服务。

这一别有用心的公告警告投资者不要进行投机性加密货币交易。因此,导致数字货币价格下跌,然后又恢复到略低于 40,000 美元的水平。


Bitcoin has also seen some hostile visits on it by Elites such as Tesla boss-Elon Musk. His avalanche of misleading Twitter rhetorics has been significant pressure on bitcoin.

As rightly said by Meltem Demirors, some indices such as that of US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s unjustifiable warning about the dangers of Bitcoin show there are attempts to hyperinflate the price to discourage investors.

特色图片来自Pixabay - 图表来自TradingView

原始来源: Bitcoin是