稳定币供应转移:TUSD 上涨 110%,而其他人则经历减少

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稳定币供应转移:TUSD 上涨 110%,而其他人则经历减少

本月有四种稳定币减少了供应量,而稳定币代币 TrueUSD (TUSD) 的供应量在过去 110 天内增长了 30%。 TUSD 原生驻留在四个不同的区块链上。 基于以太坊的 TUSD 数量增长 27%,而基于 Tron 的 TUSD 稳定币数量增长 218%.

TUSD 供应激增,Tron 发行的稳定币上涨 218%

In the past month, several stablecoins experienced supply reductions, including usd coin (USDC), binance coin (BUSD), gemini dollar (GUSD), and USDD. Gemini’s GUSD led the pack with a 30.5% redemption rate over the last 30 days, while BUSD’s supply dipped by 30.1%. Additionally, the crypto community witnessed the USDC depegging event on March 11, 2023. On that day, USDC dropped to a low of 每枚硬币$ 0.877 并一直与美联储脱钩,直到美联储 公布 它将救助加利福尼亚的硅谷银行 (SVB) 和纽约的 Signature 银行。

在 USDC 跌破锚定汇率的同一天, archive.org 快照 显示流通中的 TUSD 数量约为 1.32 亿个代币。 根据稳定币网站,目前流通的 TUSD 数量为 2.02 亿,这意味着在过去 18 天里,TUSD 供应量增长了 53%。 24年2023月XNUMX日,TUSD流通数量仅为 972千万,并且此后在 Tron 网络上铸造了大量 TUSD 代币。 在过去 558.28 天内,基于以太坊的 TUSD 数量从 711.71 亿增加到目前的 33 亿。

Statistics show that during the same period, the number of Tron-issued TUSD rose from 409.64 million to 1.30 billion, a rise of more than 218%. Approximately 72,055 Avalanche-based TUSD coins were redeemed since Feb. 24, and the number of Binance Chain TUSDs decreased significantly. An archive.org 快照 indicates that there was a total of 911,869 Binance Chain-issued TUSDs, and today, the number is 84.04% lower at 145,516 TUSDs on that specific chain.

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原始来源: Bitcoin