The Continual Power Of Intermittent Bitcoin 采矿

By Bitcoin 杂志 - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:5 分钟

The Continual Power Of Intermittent Bitcoin 采矿

Bitcoin mining operations are finding profitable ways to power up and down intermittently to match their energy sources.

Many aspects of the Bitcoin mining industry are poorly understood and 经常被歪曲。但该行业的一种做法因周围的误解和低估而与众不同:间歇性采矿。

虽然大多数矿工的目标是实现尽可能多的目标 正常运行时间 从技术上来说,这意味着他们的机器处于在线状态并进行哈希处理,而不是离线或断电,但有些矿工却没有这样做。它们的正常运行时间远低于行业标准,而不是持续挖矿,并且按照更复杂的时间表运行,这些时间表围绕电力供需、一天中的时间、日内盈利能力甚至温度等变量构建。

本文旨在对间歇性矿工的经济和一般运营进行简要而详细的概述,并重点介绍一些说明该行业的这一部分如何以及为何存在的论述。 经常被误解.

What Is Intermittent Bitcoin 矿业?

This type of mining activity is often associated with renewable energy sources (i.e., wind and solar) since these types of power are also generated intermittently. Wind doesn’t blow all the time, and the sun won’t provide as much power on cloudy days — renewable power is categorically intermittent. But bitcoin miners can easily adapt to the fluctuations in these power generation schedules, unlike most other energy consumers. 是矿业公司建造间歇性矿场的一个例子。 北算 是另一个例子。

事实上,在正常运行条件下(也就是说,没有矿工需求可再生电力的平衡效应),这些间歇性能源可能会产生不必要的 应力 在电网上。正如稍后更详细讨论的,矿商的需求可以为可再生能源发电项目设定底价,使它们作为基础设施投资更具吸引力。提高可再生能源的经济性并不是间歇性采矿的唯一用例,但却是最常讨论的用例之一。

Demand-response programs that provide interruptible power sources to miners can be fueled by coal, natural gas or any other common fuel used to generate electricity. But to remain specifically focused on renewables, for example’s sake, when bitcoin mining operations are paired with an intermittent renewable source of energy, both teams win.

断断续续的 Bitcoin Mining Misunderstandings

最近,包括以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 在内的几位著名的权益证明共识倡导者在 Twitter 上发表了一系列对间歇性挖矿的负面评论。

Martin Köppelmann,“去中心化交易协议”Gnosis 首席执行官, 告诉 他向 33,000 名 Twitter 粉丝表示,间歇性采矿有助于开发更多可再生能源的想法需要“心理体操”。 Buterin 跳上了推文的回复 对工资盗窃, “I never understood how this concept of switching miners on and off frequently makes any sense at all.” The end of the tweet betrays that, apparently, Buterin hasn’t considered the issue closely though. He wrote, “If you're paying for hardware but only using it half the time, in a competitive market you'll be running at a loss.”

这些推文也不例外。 亚历克斯·德弗里斯 (又名,数字经济学家),一位长期非理性的采矿评论家, 前狗狗币发起人荷兰中央银行前雇员,(没有太多支持证据)认为“Bitcoin mining and renewables make for the worst match设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

多 bitcoin advocates and actual miners have attempted to clarify and correct the ideas behind intermittent mining strategies for Buterin and Köppelmann. Mining “increases the elasticity of demand for electricity,” 解释 HODL Ranch CTO Jesse Peltan. Cryptocurrency research and developer Noah Ruderman also countered Buterin’s misunderstanding. “Mining monetizes energy that nobody wants. Much of that energy is renewable. It's just an energy subsidy,” Ruderman.

Intermittent mining is in fact widely praised across most of the Bitcoin industry. For example, Gideon Powell, CEO of Cholla Petroleum, that “[renewable energy’s] intermittent nature pairs beautifully with #bitcoin mining flexible load.” And Mike Colyer, CEO of Foundry, 描述 bitcoin mining as one of the most important innovations for the electrical grid in over 100 years. What innovation exactly? “A large base load that is intermittent,” Colyer. The “most obvious use case” for bitcoin 矿业, 根据 Ancova Energy 联合创始人 Max Gagliardi 表示,该公司正在与间歇性能源资源进行配对。

令一些批评者感到惊讶的是,间歇性或可中断的采矿策略有时可能比连续采矿更有利可图。例如,Galaxy Digital 的一位矿业分析师, 笔记 30 月份 Riot 德克萨斯州采矿设施的案例研究。通过将电力卖回给电网而不是自己开采电力,该公司在此期间的收入增加了 XNUMX%。考虑到这一点,下一节将更深入地研究间歇性采矿经济学。

Economic Considerations For Intermittent Bitcoin 采矿

可中断采矿作业在当前市场中寻求竞争优势的最重要方式之一是日益复杂的购电协议(PPA)。在处理不一致的电源时,矿工需要制定定制策略来确定他们可以使用多少电力、何时可用以及什么类型和代数 采矿硬件 固件 他们会因这种力量而充满活力。

硬件的使用寿命也是一个考虑因素,因为反复关闭和​​打开硬件会限制其长期实用性。根据 Braiins 的分析,即使矿工没有满负荷运行机器,通过最小化哈希来防止完全断电也可能是一种获胜策略。 “参与负载平衡计划的矿工和使用间歇性能源的矿工可以通过在除了最极端的峰值需求情况之外的所有情况下保持硬件运行来帮助保护他们的硬件,” 博客文章 来自矿业公司的建议。

在现实世界中,间歇性采矿作为能源补贴的需求在哪里?加利福尼亚州是 看到 the economic case for building more solar supply significantly undermined when prices drop and excess supply has no buyer. Bitcoin miners — power buyers of last resort — could easily mitigate these problems.

The Future Of Intermittent Bitcoin 采矿

随着正常运行时间达到 99% 或更高的矿场数量开始在行业中所占的份额略小,间歇性采矿策略肯定会变得更加占主导地位。当纯粹的矿业公司与其他公司就利润丰厚的购电协议进行谈判时,这种情况将会发生。 发电公司. And, more importantly, intermittent mining will come to the industry’s fore as power companies themselves build mining teams to either improve or salvage the economics of their power generation plans. Either way, the future of bitcoin mining is bright.

这是 Zack Voell 的客座帖子。 所表达的意见完全是他们自己的,不一定反映 BTC Inc 或 Bitcoin 杂志。

原始来源: Bitcoin 杂志