
By Bitcoin 杂志 - 2 年前 - 阅读时间:19 分钟





What's driving it and where does it go if we’re not careful?



If you're wondering why the world appears to have gone somewhat crazy, and wonder why no one else notices, rest assured, you’re not alone. The world seems to be more divided than ever before, as a large portion of modern society is literally 欢呼 在全世界范围内建立两级阶级制度。社会中这个有意义的部分似乎虔诚地执着于执行一种脱离现实界限、违反自然法则、科学和简单的古老常识的叙事。

更让人瞠目结舌的是,主流媒体不仅附和这种说法,还积极通过各种方式助长分裂。 沉默 并消除不同意见的平台。

我们所描述的这部分社会似乎已经忘记了 20 世纪世界两次世界大战的目的。西方民主国家联合起来,进入人类已知的最血腥的世纪,纯粹是为了对抗危险的集体主义意识形态,这种意识形态正在成为21世纪今天所有“民主”国家的主流规范。

图1: 来源


图2: 来源




如果您不熟悉这个术语,也没有问题,我今天将解释它是什么;但更重要的是解释它对人类构成的风险,以及 最先进的 重要的是,我们如何克服它。

我第一次了解到这个现象和术语是听奥布里·马库斯 (Aubrey Marcus) 的演讲 特邀嘉宾播客 Mattias Desmet 博士于 2021 年 XNUMX 月提出,最近这个想法已成为主流,甚至在最近的两篇文章中进行了详细讨论 乔Rogan 播客吸引了全世界一亿人的眼睛和耳朵。

罗根采访 彼得·麦卡洛博士罗伯特·马龙博士,是历史上观看次数最多的一些采访,马龙博士的这句话阐明了为什么他们如此迷人。

“我们正在经历的是一场协调一致的媒体战,其程度是我们以前从未见过的。我和我的同事们在之前的多次疫情爆发中都有过经验,他们从未见过这种程度的协调宣传。” — 罗伯特·马龙博士,“Joe Rogan经历第1757章


现在,回到“群体形成精神病”这个短语。拥有临床心理学和统计学博士学位的 Mattias Desmet 博士是负责创建该术语的医生。

我将在这篇文章中多次提到他的作品,因为他是唯一有资格谈论这种心理状况的人。德斯梅特博士在以下机构就质量形成这一主题进行了三年多的演讲: 比利时根特大学,他在那里担任心理学教授。

电影Desmet 博士声称将运用他在统计建模方面的专业知识来调查 19 年初使用的 COVID-2020 统计数据和模型。经过数月的统计分析和对他能找到的所有数据进行“运行数字”,德斯梅特博士声称,围绕新冠病毒的数据和模型根本与主流新闻中传播的流行叙述不符。


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马蒂亚斯·迪斯梅特博士 that it's a strange phenomenon that about 20 to 30% of the population in the world have succumbed to, and have become entranced with what's called a “noble lie.” The 30% almost seem religiously attached to the narrative, or noble lie their leaders are pushing on them, and once accepting of this lie will defend it at all costs.

Now, what's a noble lie?

图6: 来源

They call it a noble lie because if it's for their agenda that they perceive to be “the greater good,” then they justify the lie as therefore being a “noble” one.

现在我确信读到这篇文章的人都知道什么是“高尚的谎言”。 30% 的人完全赞同这个崇高的谎言,这种谎言已成为主流叙事,由政客、“科学家”、官僚、制药公司和最糟糕的媒体宣传机构传播和执行。





图7: 来源

“训练有素的催眠治疗师亚历克斯·伦基(Alex Lenkei)在没有全身麻醉的情况下接受了惊人的六次手术,他说他更喜欢让自己进入催眠状态,而不是使用传统药物来导致意识丧失。”


As we enter year three of “14 days to flatten the curve,’’ we Bitcoiners often wonder how the blue-pilled are so out of touch with reality, as more and more holes in the narrative continue coming to light.


Now, that's what this mass formation psychosis is, but how does it happen, and most importantly how do we get out of it?

图8: 来源






特别是自 1970 世纪 XNUMX 年代以来,我们的社会变得越来越脱节。我们已经看到核心家庭逐渐分裂,因为一个家庭成员成为养家糊口的人的成本太高了:

图9: 来源

自 1971 年脱离金本位以来,根据通货膨胀调整后的实际工资一直保持不变,但生活成本却持续走高。这迫使父母双方都参加工作,导致一家人在一起的时间减少,因为他们试图负担不断增加的生活成本。

图10A: 来源


图10B: 来源

The religious crisis of the 1960s was another signal that society was moving away from previous norms and into a more disconnected state. The rise of atheism and the absence of faith and coming together on Sundays to share in collective beliefs and ideology, has further disconnected society. The media wants to tell you today that we organize based off of race or sex, or sexual preference, but that's all identity politics that's only meant to further divide us.

Over the past decade in particular, everything has been highly politicized and weaponized by the media to further divide the people. This has only been accelerated through technology and the rise of social media, as we now interact with more people than ever before, but we're actually lonelier and more disconnected than ever before. Social interactions are becoming more quantitative, based on likes and shares, however a smaller emphasis is being placed upon the quality of those interactions.

随着 Facebook 将自己重新命名为“Meta”,世界经济论坛对“元宇宙”越来越感兴趣,这些技术官僚似乎希望将我们引入他们的完全中心化的、奥威尔式版本的元宇宙的想法。

图11: 来源



The second condition that must be present for a mass formation psychosis to ensue, is a lack of purpose felt by the individual. A feeling of purposelessness can come from one's disengagement in their professional life, but can also be a consequence of the first condition.

最近 英寸 向 150,000 名全职和兼职工作的美国人询问了许多有关他们工作的问题。结果令人震惊,显示 70% 的员工完全不投入工作并且讨厌自己的工作。这进一步凸显了社会缺乏目标和成就感,这使我们更容易陷入集体精神病。


The third condition that must be present in the individual, is a lingering sense of untethered anxiety. People feel stressed all the time but don't know why or what is causing it. The fiat money hamster wheel that requires society to work more than ever before just to keep up is a large contributing factor that’s causing this stress amongst the population.

患有焦虑症的人数突显了这一点,这一数字正在迅速增长,目前五分之一的人患有焦虑症(资源)据报道,大约 25% 的女性正在服用抗抑郁药(资源).






这位领袖自然成为群众的偶像。我们向处于当前困境的人们兜售的梦想是,通过 14 天的封锁做出小小的牺牲来“拉平曲线”,就能结束大流行,并确保医院不会人满为患。显然,世界各国政府在踏入大门并授予自己这些紧急权力后,就开始了各种各样的叙述。


Once the hypnotized masses collectively go through the steps involved in the leader's noble lie, they feel connected again, they gain a new kind of solidarity or social bond after playing their part in this “new normal.’’

被催眠的 30% 被叙事所吞噬,以至于他们会无意识地降低自己的身体、情感和经济健康,因为他们所有的注意力都集中在追求自己在叙事中的角色上。

图12: 来源



Let’s not forget, hypnosis is all about focus. Once society is under this psychosis, they’re unable to think rationally for themselves, as they are very focused on their role. They're so hellbent on escaping their anxious state that they’ll trust anyone that appears like an expert if they're regurgitating the narrative and they are displayed on the mainstream news as an “expert.’’

本篇 电影 揭示了主流媒体之间信息传递的协调程度。这几乎让你问“他们都读同一个剧本吗?”


无论叙述发生多少次,“精英”移动球门柱多少次,被催眠的大众都会继续相信它们。这 电影 仅在过去两年中,叙述就发生了多少次转变。

Now, directly from Dr. Desmet again, when the society is under the spell of mass formation psychosis, they will support a totalitarian governance structure capable of otherwise unthinkable atrocities.

图13: 来源

“个人无法忍受的罪行是由群体(因疯狂而造成)自由犯下的。” ——卡尔·荣格,《象征性的生活》


这些条件加上机会主义的、渴望权力的领导人通常会导致社会陷入极权主义的噩梦。 20世纪,世界上已经目睹了类似的权力饥渴政权犯下的许多暴行,而他们的人民却患有大规模精神病。如今,社会的很大一部分人都在高兴地为同样的未来欢呼,只要这个信息来自看似“专家”的人之口。


It's important to remember, these leaders started slowly and used a foot-in-the-door marketing campaign. The German people didn’t start supporting Hitler on the premise that the plan was to round up the 6 million Jewish people and participate in one of the greatest atrocities in human history. It started slowly, step by step.

图14: 来源

What we've learned during those events was that even the most highly-educated people went along with events such as the Holocaust. Education level is not necessarily a factor that makes you immune to mass formation psychosis. Highly-educated people essentially lost their minds from the propaganda being spread by the power-hungry leaders.


图15: 来源


图16: 来源


图17: 来源

极权国家对社会及其人民造成严重损害。人们可能会认为我们已经从 20 世纪的极权主义事件中吸取了教训。可悲的是,我们似乎正处于 21 世纪全球极权主义政权重新出现的边缘,只不过这一次规模要大得多。


对于一个据称在上个世纪在人权和民主方面取得了长足进步的世界来说,世界仍然是一团糟。 4.3 亿人(占世界人口的 55%)仍然生活在独裁政权之下(资源).

If you understand those previous examples of totalitarianism, what's going on today all around the world should scare the living daylights out of you. Here we have Justin Trudeau, the leader of Canada, calling those that don’t go along with the narrative “racist and misogynistic extremists.”

图18: 来源

法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)正在使用与贾斯汀·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)类似的剧本,他最近宣布他想“激怒”未接种疫苗的人。

图19: 来源

They're focusing the unseated anger and aggression that the masses feel, and weaponizing it by turning the vaccinated people against the group of people who believe in bodily autonomy. This sets a very dangerous precedent.

图20: 来源


图21: 来源

古斯塔夫·勒邦 (Gustave Le Bon) 因其 1895 年的作品而闻名“人群:大众心理研究”,这被认为是开创性的作品之一 群体心理学。在其中,他认为群众将创造一种新的极权主义状态,因为他看到群众的形成和群众心理在整个 19 世纪和进入 20 世纪变得更加危险。从20世纪和现在21世纪发生的事件来看,他是对的。

“20世纪的极权制度代表了一种集体精神病。无论是逐渐地还是突然地,在这样的体系中,理性和人类的普遍尊严都不再可能:只有弥漫的恐怖气氛和恐惧的气氛。 “敌人”的投影,被想象为“在我们中间”。因此,社会在统治当局的推动下转向自身。”—— 乔斯特·梅尔卢《心灵的强奸》


到目前为止,我们在这篇文章中已经谈论了很多关于被洗脑的内容,但我们不要忘记,当大规模编队出现时,还有大约 30% 的人在积极反击这种叙述:

图22: 来源


图23: 来源

If you're reading this description of the people fighting the mass formation and thinking it sounds like the Bitcoiners, I agree. Bitcoiners base their principles and philosophy on not blindly trusting people and instead verifying information presented to them.

Bitcoiners, and the other people in the 30% not psychologically affected by the brainwashing campaign, have an important role to play in getting our society out of this mass formation psychosis.

图23: 来源

另一个与精神病有关的大群体是中间的 40% 的人,他们只遵循最简单的方法。

They just want life to be easy and normal and may follow the brainwashed into a digital panopticon if there's no perceived alternative. Some in this subset may believe the whole thing is irrational, but just aren’t as ideologically motivated to stand up for the truth as the 20-30% fighting the narrative are.

Now let’s talk about how Dr. Desmet suggests we can get out of this - a doctor's prescription if you will.

The Doctor’s Prescription: “Yes, Bitcoin Can Fix This”

When confronting someone who is possibly part of the psychosis you can’t speak hatefully or shame them as being a ”sheep’’ or ”brainwashed."

Desmet 博士解释了这些步骤:


我们必须生活、说真话,并继续坚持说出来。这有助于打破叙事,因为相互冲突的叙事对于唤醒 40% 的中间人大有帮助。这就是为什么你会看到领导人试图促进这种“新常态”,拼命地试图审查和压制所有不同的声音,甚至包括反对这种说法的专业人士。

审查制度的一个很好的例子是在数以千万计的人在“乔·罗根体验”播客之后搜索“群体形成精神病”这个词之后,就充分展示了审查制度的一个很好的例子。 马龙博士 和 麦科洛博士.

图24: 来源 图25: 来源

长期以来,谷歌的非官方座右铭就是“不作恶”这一简单的短语。具有讽刺意味的是,他们在 2018 年改变了自己的座右铭,并且在最近的大规模精神病考验中肯定了自己是“邪恶的”。

图26: 来源

Google 定义的“可靠来源”到底是什么?这是否可能是他们所谓的“事实核查人员”所定义的,他们也很快试图在这场磨难中对群众进行洗脑?

图27: 来源


图28: 来源

正是由于这些原因,人们开始不信任前几年长期被视为“主流”的媒体。越来越多的人开始寻求更诚实、公正的信息来源。乔·罗根 (Joe Rogan) 或塔克·卡尔森 (Tucker Carlson) 等独立媒体来源的收视率不断增长,证明人们积极从没有推销议程的人那里寻找真相。

图29: 来源
图30: 来源


图31: 来源



我们需要做的第二件事是建立亲密关系和团结。我们需要将人们聚集在一起。请记住,人们通过共同的价值观联系在一起。这 Bitcoin 会议2022 预计将有 35,000 人,所有人都有不同的身份、种族、性别、偏好等……但所有人都拥有相同的自由、主权、稳健货币等价值观。

We need something that can rally people together on a shared value system and Bitcoin is doing just that. And we definitely do not show violence. Remember, love, not violence. Because if we show violence it can focus all that angst onto us and make us look like the enemy.





图32: 来源




The fiat money system enables the government to print unlimited amounts of money, thus stealing the value from our people's savings via inflation, and then the government can then use that money against us the people. The government is able to pay police officers to enforce their tyrannical rules via their printed money, and also run their propaganda programs with the value that they extract from our savings.

Bitcoin community is the perfect parallel structure to bring down for our current day mass formation psychosis. It is an island of sanity where radical truthfulness and sovereignty are principles highly valued within the Bitcoin 社区。 的 Bitcoiners even have our own slogans that can single-handedly help our species escape this mass formation psychosis.

图33: 来源

Remember, mass formations are generally based on “noble lies." As soon as one begins to verify the propaganda they’re told, it becomes immediately clear where the truth lies.

Bitcoin also takes the power to print money out of the 政府之手。如果政府不得不仅通过直接税收来为其针对人民的战争提供资金,那么人民可能会开始意识到政府是多么浪费。

Bitcoin, beginning with its incorruptible 21 million hard cap supply, ground our world back into reality. The majority of Bitcoiners appear vehemently opposed to this new normal, and can act as role models for those still searching for truth.

图34: 来源

Bitcoiners are the manifestation of Carl Jung’s “redeemer personality.’’ We always speak our minds and will call out any untruths irrespective of being afraid to come off as confrontational. We even get called ‘’toxic’’ on occasions by those perpetuating the lies that we loudly call out. This radical adherence to truth is why the Bitcoiners are the ones most likely to create a parallel structure that shines a light on the world that’s literally living in a lie.

This is my call to humanity. We need to take the doctor's prescription to cure this mass formation psychosis, before things get really bad.

Two diametrically opposing futures await our civilization on the other side of this mass formation. If we let this psychosis go on for too long, we could all be living in a digital panopticon where our every interaction, transaction and thought is tracked by a social-scoring-led nation state. Or, we can opt out of that Orwellian nightmare and transition to the parallel structure that Bitcoin helps to build in the coming decentralized revolution.


“修复金钱,修复世界。” -马蒂·本特

这是马克·莫斯 (Mark Moss) 的客座文章。所表达的意见完全是他们自己的,并不一定反映 BTC Inc 或 Bitcoin 杂志。

原始来源: Bitcoin 杂志