Through Fundraising And Financial Revolution, Bitcoin Has Forever Changed Lives On Isla Tasajera

By Bitcoin 杂志 - 2 年前 - 阅读时间:5 分钟

Through Fundraising And Financial Revolution, Bitcoin Has Forever Changed Lives On Isla Tasajera

A philanthropic effort led by the Built With Bitcoin 基础和 Bitcoin Magazine provided a ferry, school supplies and hope to an island in El Salvador.

2022 年 XNUMX 月上旬,我有机会前往萨尔瓦多代表 Bitcoin 杂志 during the unveiling of the “Bitcoin Boat” with the 建于 Bitcoin 基金会.

It was my first time outside of the country in a number of years and I was excited to discover a territory being directly influenced by the growing technology and financial impact of Bitcoin.

成为后 the world's first country to adopt bitcoin as legal tender last September, some may think of El Salvador as a bit of a social experiment, but it’s important to understand the impact that Bitcoin can have on the El Salvadoran economy and some of the different ways bitcoin helps provide long-term financial freedom and stability.

从萨尔瓦多首都圣萨尔瓦多向东南方向驱车约两小时车程,就坐落着一个名为 Isla Tasajera 的小社区。 该岛南部与太平洋接壤,只能乘船抵达,人口稀少,约有 1,500 名居民。

在合作伙伴关系 Bitcoin 黑色星期五,去年十一月, Bitcoin 杂志 帮助筹集资金建造并捐赠了一艘全新的船,用于运送学生和教师往返学校,以及运输杂货和用品。 除了这艘船,筹集的资金还用于购买普通学习用品、技术中心的笔记本电脑和学校的维护。

Previously, students and teachers paid $3 a day to commute to and from the mainland. With this boat, they can now commute at no cost. To some, this boat is just another means of transportation, but to the people of Isla Tasajera, the Bitcoin Boat represents a lifeline to the outside world.

伊斯拉的家庭 Tasajera helped by the Bitcoin 倡议。 Photo courtesy of the Built With Bitcoin 基金会。 Bitcoin boat in action on the waters of Isla 塔萨杰拉。 Photo courtesy of the Built With Bitcoin 基金会。

So, Why Use Bitcoin?

For more than six months, the Built With Bitcoin Foundation has been working tirelessly to improve this community through the education of Bitcoin.

But how can you teach people about the functionality of Bitcoin if they do not even have a source of clean water?

Most of the island is underdeveloped and the people there live in homes that lack adequate sanitation, have an irregular electricity supply and are built of flimsy materials. A short walk from the dock, we arrived at the school that the Built With Bitcoin Foundation helped restore. A celebration of excitement ensued, and we were greeted by the students and their families. I was immediately overwhelmed with a mixture of emotion and gratitude, and was thankful to be given the opportunity to be a part of something as big as this project.

“We are so grateful to have the support of the foundation,” the community leader on the island, Don Walter, said. “Six months ago, we didn’t know what Bitcoin was, but now we have the opportunity to learn and continue teaching others of its value.”

那么,为什么要使用 Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is fast, cost-effective and transparent. It allows the Built With Bitcoin Foundation to send funds quickly without the slow and nefarious eye of third-party banks. A number of these families on the island do not have bank accounts, but in order to use bitcoin, all you need is a cell phone.

On Isla Tasajera, sometimes a few days can mean the difference between life and death if supplies are running low or a storm cuts the island off from basic needs. Bitcoin provides the island with the ability to send value almost instantly, whereas traditional banks may take three to five business days to process certain fiat transfers.

“People won’t adopt anything they don’t understand,” said Yusuf Nessary, Built With Bitcoin’s director of philanthropy. “In the communities we work in, we provide education — how Bitcoin can help and enrich their daily lives and how it could be a means of finally attaining financial freedom.”

In some sense, this is exactly what Satoshi Nakamoto wanted when they created Bitcoin: a peer-to-peer, human-to-human form of currency.

The people of Isla Tasajera are not concerned with the daily fluctuation of the bitcoin price. They are not “buying the dip” on the pretext of a Twitter meme. They are buying bitcoin to get out from underneath the strong arm of the fiat system that has been holding a number of countries like El Salvador back from international independence and growth for centuries.

“Our foundation exists because of communities like Isla Tasajera who have embraced change,” Ray Youssef, executive director of the Built With Bitcoin, added. “While many parts of the developed world are fixated on the speculative activity of Bitcoin, the people of El Salvador are teaching us about its true use cases and the opportunity it presents for greater financial inclusion of the underbanked.”

提供给 Isla Tasajera 学校的笔记本电脑。 Photo courtesy of the Built With Bitcoin 基金会。

传统上, Bitcoin is associated with freedom and hope. Now, Bitcoin will be associated with education. Knowledge is one of the most powerful tools we can pass on to our children in the battle against fiat currency, and the Built With Bitcoin Foundation is using it to build a better world, one bitcoin 在一个时间。

的帮助下 Bitcoin 杂志, the Built With Bitcoin Foundation and Francisco Gavidia University, which also donated funds, the children of Isla Tasajera will be provided a proper education and grow up to become leading members of their communities. They will pass on the knowledge to their children and grandchildren, and continue to further the economy in El Salvador.

在这样做, Bitcoin is creating another form of generational wealth through education. Hyperbitcoinization is unfolding today right before our very eyes, and the Built With Bitcoin Foundation is just one of many organizations that are directly impacting and teaching the leaders of the future with it.

Bitcoin is 自由. Bitcoin is 抱有希望. 现在, Bitcoin is 教育.

Isla T的志愿者团队阿萨杰拉 Photo courtesy of the Built With Bitcoin 基金会。

原始来源: Bitcoin 杂志