
By Bitcoin 杂志 - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:3 分钟


美国财政部批准了 Tornado Cash 混合工具,开创了阻止金融隐私和审查开源代码的先例。

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8 年 2022 月 XNUMX 日早些时候,美国财政部宣布,Tornado Cash 被添加到美国 OFAC(外国资产控制办公室)SDN 名单(特别指定的美国人和美国企业不得与之交易的国民名单)。 Tornado Cash 是一个建立在以太坊上的非托管开源软件项目,它允许用户通过使用 Tornado Cash 智能合约来混合他们的代币,从而混淆了代币的先前踪迹(当然,这些代币是通过一个透明的分类账进行交易的) .

所施加的制裁特别值得注意,因为它们不是针对个人或特定的数字钱包地址,而是针对智能合约协议的使用,其最基本的形式只是信息。 这些行动开创的先例对于开源软件开发来说并不理想。

All-time Tornado Cash statistics - Source: 沙丘分析 All-time Tornado Cash statistics - Source: 沙丘分析

公告发布后,可以看出,稳定币 USDC 的中心化发行人 Circle 将每个受制裁的地址都列入了使用 USDC 的黑名单。


目前被列入黑名单的USDC地址总数为81个。读者可以跟踪被禁止的地址列表 此处.

Sumber: 沙丘分析 

On a similarly scary note for active bitcoin/crypto developers, the co-creator of Tornado Cash 罗曼·谢苗诺夫 had his GitHub (open source development repository) account suspended. This should worry freedom-loving bitcoin/crypto enthusiasts, given the nature of the sanctions placed on Tornado Cash — which, as stated earlier in the piece, is simply non-custodial software.

这些行动也引出了一个问题,即所谓的 DeFi 领域中许多工具的未来是什么,这些工具依赖于中心化的稳定币,并且可能存在中心化的开发瓶颈。

As brutal as it may be, the organic and decentralized nature of bitcoin’s rise is the only reason it is still standing today. Open-source software will continue to operate as designed, but given the increasing pressure that will likely be placed on software/wallet/protocol developers, only the strongest and most truly decentralized networks will not be co-opted.

Lastly, it should be reiterated that stablecoins themselves, while useful to escape the short-term volatility of bitcoin/other crypto assets and help many around the world access U.S. dollars, are centralized.

Zooming out further, when looking at the long-term case for bitcoin, among its strongest value propositions is the fact that it’s an asset that has no counterparty risk nor dilution (devaluation) risk. Yet, more importantly in light of many government regulations that are taking shape and are likely to come, Bitcoin’s true decentralized properties and censorship resistance will be just as important.

原始来源: Bitcoin 杂志