Wall Street Giant Goldman Sachs Makes History, Offers First Bitcoin-支持贷款

By Bitcoinist - 2 年前 - 阅读时间: 3 分钟

Wall Street Giant Goldman Sachs Makes History, Offers First Bitcoin-支持贷款

In the latest hint that Wall Street is pushing farther into crypto, Goldman Sachs has offered its first bitcoin-支持的贷款。


In order to aid to the institutional adoption of cryptocurrencies, Goldman Sachs has granted its first ever Bitcoin-backed loan. According to 彭博资讯, the unnamed borrower received cash from the US-based investment bank, which was backed by Bitcoin, the world’s oldest cryptocurrency.

据彭博社代表称,这笔贷款包括 24 小时风险管理。 由于 BTC 的潜在波动性,此类贷款属于风险类别。


A Bitcoin-backed loan allows the owner of the asset to borrow fiat currency such as rupees or dollars in exchange for their BTC.

Bitcoin’s value is liable to loss at any time due to its volatility. In this case, the borrower may be asked to provide additional collateral to protect their assets from being liquidated.



高盛本月早些时候表示,它将扩大其以太坊产品 场外交易期权。 据该银行分析师称,以太坊即将“合并”并升级为股权证明,将提振对该商品的需求。

上个月,现在拥有自己的数字资产团队的高盛(Goldman Sachs)在 与银河数码合作, Michael Novogratz 的加密投资公司。

相关阅读| Bitcoin Hits Milestone, Goldman Sachs Announces First BTC Cash Settled Transaction


高盛并不是唯一一家涉足数字资产的公司。 其他华尔街公司也在加紧在加密货币领域的努力。

BlackRock Inc. 参加了一轮 400 亿美元的筹款活动 在稳定币提供商 Circle 中,而 Jefferies Financial Group 正在为加密客户扩展银行服务。

据彭博社报道,精品投资银行 Cowen Inc. 于 2022 年 XNUMX 月推出了数字资产部门。

周四早些时候,它是 公布 Apollo Global Management 聘请了摩根大通 (JPM) 前高管 Christine Moy 担任公司首位数字资产战略主管。

BTC/USD 的交易价格低于 40 万美元。 来源: TradingView

Galaxy Digital Holdings 联席总裁 Damien Vanderwilt 表示,接受加密资产作为抵押品是华尔街银行超越财富管理、交易和投资银行等服务的下一步。

Silvergate Capital 是一家专注于加密货币的银行,已经提供加密抵押贷款。

There is no information on the interest rates that Goldman would charge for Bitcoin loans, although the commission is expected to be minimal.

如果 Bitcoin project succeeds, the national bank may consider adding other tokens to its list of loans.

然而,该银行目前提供的不是现货加密交易,而是加密 ETF(交易所交易者基金)和期权交易。 与其自己持有代币,机构交易员更愿意通过中介投资加密货币。

相关阅读| 高盛现在将通过 Galaxy Digital 为其客户提供以太坊基金

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