当其他人试图将一切代币化时, Bitcoin 储存价值

By Bitcoin 杂志 - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:3 分钟

当其他人试图将一切代币化时, Bitcoin 储存价值

Tokenization of real-world assets on other blockchains just perpetuates the financial issues that Bitcoin hopes to fix.

这是 Mickey Koss 的一篇观点社论,他是一名西点军校毕业生,拥有经济学学位。 在过渡到财政团之前,他在步兵中度过了四年。

对房地产等资产代币化的需求并不是解决问题的方法,而是劣币长期存在的问题的症状。 如果我们希望解决日益扩大的贫富差距,房地产应该被降低到作为住宅或商业场所的实用价值,而不是作为代理的价值储存手段。

LinkedIn 帖子,2023​​XNUMX 年 XNUMX 月

Blockworks 突出显示 这种“进步” in technology without properly addressing the potential side effects that widespread asset tokenization may cause. In the comments section, tokenization is touted as a means for individuals who are unable to purchase a home of their own to participate in the real estate market. But why are houses so expensive in the first place?


Tokenizing assets like real estate will only make matters worse as crowds shove money into the market, driving prices higher. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. People buy houses because they know the prices will go up, then the prices do go up and more demand comes in to chase the gains. Every investor following their individual incentives puts owning a home further out of reach for the average citizen. This is not a solution.

此外,“区块链”只是一个分类帐,或记录谁拥有什么。 特别是对于以太坊,与现实世界没有任何有意义的联系,这将允许本地合同执行,从而防止这些代币持有者被拉走。 整个系统最终依赖于遗留的执法和司法系统来维护这些投资者的产权——这个系统似乎越来越敌视 执法行动 反对加密货币行业。

Bitcoin adoption is fundamentally different, a fact that crypto folks seem to misunderstand completely. Rather than mindlessly tokenizing assets, Bitcoin seeks to fix the monetary issues that drive a desire to do so in the first place. By serving as an actual store of value, bitcoin will drain the monetary premium that real estate has accrued over the past decades due to the broken monetary system. Under a bitcoin standard, housing will ultimately collapse to its utility value, making houses affordable once more to the everyday citizen.

令牌化只是伪装成金融创新的伪装点对点包装中当前系统的另一种延续。 不要让闪亮的新东西分散你对坏东西的注意力。 固定钱,所有这些事情都变得毫无意义。

This is a guest post by Mickey Koss. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin 杂志。

原始来源: Bitcoin 杂志