Why Mercado Bitcoin and Stellar Will Explore A Brazilian CBDC

By Bitcoinist - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:3 分钟

Why Mercado Bitcoin and Stellar Will Explore A Brazilian CBDC

根据一个 新闻稿, the Stellar Development Foundation (SDF) will join forces with major exchange platform Mercado Bitcoin. The partners will work on the nine cases of the Central Bank of Brazil (Bacen) LIFT Challenge.

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The Stellar Development Foundation will work with Mercado Bitcoin, ClearSale, and CPQD. These partners comprised a LIFT Challenge consortium.

根据新闻稿,真实数字挑战(LIFT)挑战的金融和技术创新实验室作为开发巴西 CBDC 真实数字的协作环境。

该项目将确定启动 Real Digital 所需的技术可行性、用例和基础设施。该倡议还旨在通过吸引市场参与者、银行、支付机构、科技公司等来改善巴西的金融体系。

这些实体将负责开发以 Real Digital 为基础的产品。新闻稿称,巴西央行声称他们的 CBDC 将在 2022 年下半年部署,第一阶段“针对有限受众进行试点”。

Reinaldo Rabelo, CEO of Mercado Bitcoin, said the following about the initiative:


自卫队有 一直在与乌克兰政府合作 多年来一直致力于其 CBDC。该非营利组织及其合作伙伴准备测试 CBDC 的可编程功能,但该项目缺乏更新。

Why Mercado Bitcoin Chose Stellar As A Partner?

Similar to the Ukrainian CBDC, the Real Digital will be launched to advance innovation of payment and make the Brazilian financial system more open and inclusive. Denelle Dixon, CEO of the Stellar Development Foundation, claimed the cooperation with Mercado Bitcoin will contribute to the growth of the network.


Stellar’s network is prepared to support Mercado Bitcoin and the Central Bank of Brazil as they explore use cases for the Real Digital’s future. Stellar was designed for asset issuance, and its built-in compliance tools give Mercado Bitcoin a strong foundation to develop a solution with the features that Bacen expects to see.

市场 Bitcoin selected the Stellar network for its capabilities and because they believe it is “excellent for implementing tokenization and payment projects”. The network is capable of processing fast and low-cost transactions, it allows financial institutions to implement their own KYC policies, it is deemed non “energy-intensive” and more.

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