
By Bitcoin.com - 2 年前 - 阅读时间: 4 分钟


在 Mozilla 由于环境问题决定暂停加密货币捐赠之后,一些维基媒体基金会社区成员提交了一份提案,要求基金会停止接受数字货币捐赠。 该提案解释说,加密货币捐赠“表明对加密货币空间的认可”,并表示“加密货币可能与维基媒体基金会对环境可持续性的承诺不一致。”


Members of the Wikimedia Foundation are voting on a proposal that could stop the foundation from accepting digital currencies like bitcoin and ethereum. The U.S. non-profit 开始接受 2019 年通过 Bitpay 的加密资产。 “我们在全球范围内接受捐赠,并努力提供多种捐赠选择。 非常重要的是,我们能够以高效且具有成本效益的方式处理国际捐赠,”维基媒体基金会支付和运营总监 Pats Pena 当时表示。

然而,一个 提案 submitted by the user dubbed “Gorillawarfare” claims that accepting crypto donations goes against specific Wikimedia Foundation principles. “Cryptocurrencies may not align with the Wikimedia Foundation’s commitment to environmental sustainability. Bitcoin and ethereum are the two most highly-used cryptocurrencies, and are both proof-of-work, using an enormous amount of energy,” the proposal says.

While the proposal mentions the Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index it leverages a lot of the research done by the Digiconomist’s Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index. The proposal seems to have a lot of support as voting members left comments signaling affirmation. “Long overdue. Accepting cryptocurrency makes a joke out of the WMF’s commitment to environmental sustainability,” Wikimedia user Gamaliel said. However, not everyone agreed and in fact, there are a great number of people who voiced the opposite opinion. In reply to Gamaliel’s statement, for instance, one person wrote:



一些人提交的评论中有一些讨论坚持维基媒体基金会成员应该意识到美元是由 大量的碳能最糟糕的是,国家强制实施的暴力. 一位人士解释说,Gorillawarfare 在提案中提出的每一点“都是不真实和/或具有误导性的”。 例如,关于与加密行业的所谓价值观保持一致的观点。 该个人反驳说:“这不是真的,就像接受美元意味着支持美元或美国政府一样。”

In reply to the environmental concerns Gorillawarfare introduced in the proposal, the individual explained that the proposal’s point is conflated. “The proposal conflates the existence of Bitcoin to merely using it,” the Wikimedia Foundation member Awwright opined. “The proposal does not demonstrate that dropping acceptance of Bitcoin (or other cryptocurrency) will actually have an effect. As a technical matter, there is no direct relationship between making a Bitcoin transaction and energy usage (that’s significantly more than the domestic banking system).”

评论者强调了来自 Digiconomist 的偏见

此外,有许多关于 Gorillawarfare 的投诉引用了 Digiconomist,因为研究人员的工作因不准确和极端偏见而被广泛驳回。 “Digiconomist 是由 Alex de Vries 运营的博客,他是 雇员 of De Nederlandsche Bank NV (DNB), the central bank of the Netherlands, which is a direct competitor to Bitcoin,” one of the comments against Gorillawarfare’s proposal notes. Another individual explained that the Digiconomist’s work is 不准确,正如许多其他人发现的那样,Digiconomist 的工作是 充满差异. 一个人写道:

Digiconomist 不仅有偏见和矛盾。 De Vries 是自行出版的,没有编辑审查程序,而且他在事实核查和准确性方面的名声很差。

在撰写本文时,有无数人反对 Gorillawarfare 提交的提案,但大部分投票和评论都支持这个想法。 似乎加密社区和工作量证明 (PoW) 的支持者必须更加努力地消除主流媒体专家、老金融卫士和付费反对派研究人员流传的神话。

你如何看待维基媒体基金会的提案,该提案建议基金会因环境问题而停止接受加密资产? 在下面的评论部分让我们知道您对此主题的看法。

原始来源: Bitcoin