Zero Bullish Catalysts For Cardano, Solana, XRP As Bitcoin Risks Crashing To $12,000

作者 ZyCrypto - 1 年前 - 阅读时间:2 分钟

Zero Bullish Catalysts For Cardano, Solana, XRP As Bitcoin Risks Crashing To $12,000

尽管价格相对有吸引力,但由于经济问题仍然存在,加密货币市场数周来一直在区间波动。 周四,市场再次回落,抹去了过去几天的涨幅。

Bitcoin Retreats Below $20k, Dragging Major Alts Along

尽管在周末显示出一些看涨压力,但加密货币市场在周四暴跌。 面对经济担忧和监管不确定性,市场继续在区间内波动。

The number one digital asset by market cap, Bitcoin again slipped 低于 20 万美元 价格水平,下跌 6%,交易价格在 19,186 美元附近。 以太坊是其最接近主导地位的竞争对手,在过去 8.45 小时内下跌了 24%,交易价格在 1025 美元左右。

卡尔达诺 (ADA)、索拉纳 (SOL) 和 XRP 等其他主要山寨币的交易价格下跌了 10% 以上,而且没有明显的看涨冲动。

Notably, while some analysts believe that the bottom may be in for Bitcoin as it continues to trade within the tight range formed in mid-May, the markets appear to be lacking a catalyst to sustain a push to the upside. On the other hand, veteran trader Peter Brandt believes the markets can go even lower.

所报告的 ZyCrypto,经验丰富的交易员认为 价格下降80% 自 12 年以来第四次(大约 2011 美元)并非不可能。 同样,在一条推文中,交易员还强调,以太坊正在形成一个下降三角形模式,可能会看到资产跌破。

Crypto Firms Are Downsizing And Bitcoin Miners Are Selling

随着市场调整的继续,为了应对损失并为“加密冬天”做好准备,加密公司不得不裁员。 面对动荡的经济环境,Gemini 和 Coinbase 是宣布裁员计划的知名人士之一。

同样, Bitcoin miners with a reputation for ‘hodling’ a majority of their mined Bitcoin 正在 被迫出售, adding to the bearish pressure in the market. Consequently, mined Bitcoin flow to exchanges has reached January record highs.

However, it is not all gloom and doom for Bitcoin despite all of these. It is worth noting that Bitcoin ETFs have continued to see inflows in the last couple of weeks, with inflows last week totaling $129 million, a sign that investors still see some upside for the nascent market. Moreover, investment bank, JPMorgan, believes that BTC is currently undervalued, with crypto markets, in general, having more room for an upswing.

原始来源: ZyCrypto