摩根大通執行長傑米戴蒙致電 Bitcoin 「炒作的詐欺」—中本聰預計將提高比特幣供應上限

By Bitcoin.com - 1 年前 - 閱讀時間:3 分鐘

摩根大通執行長傑米戴蒙致電 Bitcoin 「炒作的詐欺」—中本聰預計將提高比特幣供應上限

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon calls bitcoin “a hyped-up fraud.” The executive questioned the cryptocurrency’s supply cap, expecting a picture of bitcoin’s pseudonymous creator Satoshi Nakamoto to pop up and laugh at us all when bitcoin’s supply hits 21 million coins.

JPMorgan’s CEO on Bitcoin and Its Supply Cap

The CEO of global investment bank JPMorgan Chase, Jamie Dimon, reiterated his skepticism about bitcoin in an interview with CNBC Thursday. The JPMorgan executive claimed:

Bitcoin itself is a hyped-up fraud. It’s a pet rock.

對於加密貨幣交易所 FTX 的倒閉,戴蒙評論道:“我一點也不感到驚訝。 我稱它們為去中心化的龐氏騙局。 圍繞這件事的炒作非同尋常。”

戴蒙還重申了他對 BTC’s 21 million supply cap, suggesting that bitcoin’s pseudonymous creator Satoshi Nakamoto could remove the cryptocurrency’s supply limit. He said:

你怎麼知道它會停在21萬? 也許它會達到 21 萬,Satoshi 的照片會出現並嘲笑你們……到那時 Satoshi 將拿出數十億美元。

While he is bullish on blockchain technology, the JPMorgan boss stressed: “Crypto itself doesn’t do anything. It’s a pet rock.” He then told the news outlet: “I don’t care about bitcoin so we should drop this subject.”

這不是戴蒙第一次 質疑 bitcoin的供應有限. 2021 年 21 月,他同樣說:“你怎麼知道它以 XNUMX 萬結束? 你們都讀過算法嗎? 你們都相信嗎? 我不知道,我一直對這樣的事情持懷疑態度。” 去年 XNUMX 月,他將加密代幣比作 寵物石. Moreover, he said during a congressional hearing in September that cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin, 是 ”去中心化的龐氏騙局

許多 bitcoin proponents mocked Dimon on social media for his lack of understanding. One 啾啾: “Dimon just said on CNBC that Satoshi can increase the Bitcoin cap. He’s an idiot but I am sure most people agree with him. Satoshi is irrelevant, it’s the code and the network now.” Another opined:“令人遺憾的是,傑米·戴蒙 (Jamie Dimon) 不明白,您可以查看源代碼就知道中本聰的笑圖不會在 21,000,000 時出現。” 三分之一 寫道::

Jamie Dimon either has no clue what Bitcoin is, or he knows exactly what it is, yet ridicules and dismisses it out of pure fear of it being the ultimate disruptor to legacy banking’s core business of excessive and egregious fees.

What do you think about Jamie Dimon’s view on bitcoin and his expectation that Satoshi’s picture will pop up at 21 million coins? Let us know in the comments section below.

原始來源: Bitcoin.COM