加密貨幣分析師表示,卡爾達諾飆升的可能性為 400%,但另一種山寨幣看起來更強勁

作者:The Daily Hodl - 2 年前 - 閱讀時間:2 分鐘

加密貨幣分析師表示,卡爾達諾飆升的可能性為 400%,但另一種山寨幣看起來更強勁

A widely followed cryptocurrency trader and analyst is predicting a major Cardano (ADA) rally.

名為 Capo 的匿名加密交易員 告訴 his 189,600 Twitter followers that Cardano will likely hit $10 before this cycle ends, which represents a rise of around 400% from current levels.

However, Capo says that altcoin Polkadot (DOT), currently the eighth-ranked cryptocurrency by market cap, now looks like a better trade.

“Many people ask me about ADA.

I’m still bullish on it and $10+ is very likely this cycle, but DOT looks much better so I sold my ADA for DOT some days ago.”

卡達諾 is trading for $2.03 at time of writing, according to CoinGecko.

Towards the end of October, Capo 預測 that he was expecting Polkadot to hit a price of $250 and then launch to $650.

“DOT – Very bullish. It should outperform all the majors. Main targets are $250 and $650.”

Last month the cryptocurrency analyst 預測 that Polkadot would outperform Cardano by the end of the current bull cycle. Capo said that Polkadot would also outperform Solana (SOL), Binance 硬幣 (BNB)、以太坊 (ETH) 和 Bitcoin (BTC)。

“Expected performance until end of the cycle:


Around the same time, the crypto trader 說過 當看著 Bitcoin 圖表顯示他“看好”以太坊,“非常看好”卡爾達諾,“超級看好”Polkadot。

“DOT/BTC mega bullish

ADA/BTC very bullish

ETH/BTC bullish

如果你想看好 BTC.D [Bitcoin 統治]在這裡,由你決定。 I’m all-in altcoins.”

波爾卡圓點 在撰寫本文時,其交易價格為 52.88 美元。

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/NextMarsMedia/Salamahin

該職位 加密貨幣分析師表示,卡爾達諾飆升的可能性為 400%,但另一種山寨幣看起來更強勁 最早出現 每日霍德.

原始來源: 每日霍德