匿名求助於 CultDAO 以支持反對不公正的政府行為

作者 The Daily Hodl - 1 年前 - 閱讀時間:2 分鐘

匿名求助於 CultDAO 以支持反對不公正的政府行為


匿名,負責白帽駭客攻擊的國際激進組織, 宣布 that it intensifies its fight against Russia and other unjust national governments. To this end, it will source funds from crypto projects with ‘similar conceptions,’ such as CultDAO.

這項消息是在 Anonymous 與俄羅斯之間爆發網路戰之後發布的。 開始 shortly after the Russian invasion of Ukraine on March 15, 2022. The hacktivist group has often provided support against governments and organizations, which in its view acts unjustly toward innocent people.

週三 Anonymous 宣布後不久,CultDAO 重申了其 支持 for the hacktivist group by ‘funding the revolution.’

CultDAO 是一個社區驅動的去中心化自治組織,致力於幫助個人獲得更多的財務自由。 這應該透過加速去中心化金融(DeFi)的大規模採用來實現,它將金融控制權從中心化機構轉移到人們手中。

在其 支援顯示推文, CultDAO said,

“CULT is completely decentralized and can fund those causes and revolutionaries [that] are ordered offline by governments and centralized entities, as we saw in Canada.”

The statement makes a reference to the action of Canada’s prime minister, Justin Trudeau, in February. Then the Canadian government froze the bank accounts of those donating to Ottawa’s ‘Freedom Convoy’ protest and forced ‘Just Giving’ to refund $9 million in donations for the protest. In return, people 轉向 Bitcoin 繼續支持抗議活動,因為流行的加密貨幣不能受到政府或銀行的限制。

CultDAO 的功能根據其 宣言,旨在支持有利於去中心化金融體系的措施。 支持 Anonymous 反對不公義的政府行為符合該組織的最終目標。 到目前為止,CultDAO 已同意為此事業捐贈 13 ETH。

關於 CultDAO

Cult DAO is a blockchain-based DAO aiming to usher in the ‘decentralized finance revolution.’ Its goal is to empower people with the necessary tools to “break away from societal, economic and other norms.” To this end, its members can vote on funding for projects focusing on decentralized applications.

The protocol uses CULT, a hyper-deflationary token for its multiple operations in support of DeFi operations. For more information about Cult DAO, please follow the links below.

網站 | Cult DAO 宣言 | Twitter | Telegram | 不和 | Medium


O'Modulus先生, Cult DAO

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該職位 匿名求助於 CultDAO 以支持反對不公正的政府行為 最早出現 每日霍德.

原始來源: 每日霍德