Bitcoin And Biases: Agnotology, The Making And Unmaking Of Ignorance

By Bitcoin 雜誌 - 2 年前 - 閱讀時間:5 分鐘

Bitcoin And Biases: Agnotology, The Making And Unmaking Of Ignorance

Bitcoin 經常受到錯誤信息和虛假陳述的影響,這反過來又會產生誤解和偏見 bitcoin.

“Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.” - 孔子

以前的文章 討論過 Bitcoin 以及導致誤解的認知偏見 Bitcoin.

Backing up a bit, we can look at the knowledge, or ignorance that contributes to these misconceptions.

了解更多關於無知很重要,這樣我們才能理解周圍一些無知敘述的差異 Bitcoin.

Most importantly, we need to understand that some narratives are from a situation of really not knowing, and some narratives are intentionally deceptive.

These narratives are perpetuating ignorance.

Have you heard of agnotology? Agnotology is the study of deliberate, culturally-induced ignorance or doubt.

A book called “Agnotology; The Making And Unmaking Of Ignorance” by Robert Proctor sheds a lot of light on the subject.

The word “ignorance” has some pretty negative associations such as stupidity, narrowness, and willful denial of facts.

In reality, there are different flavors of ignorance and they can be on a continuum of positive to neutral to negative.

Proctor divides ignorance into three main areas:

Something you just haven’t learned yet. Think of how much children don’t know, or how much more you know now than you did five years ago.Something that is the result of passive selection or culture or geography. You know this area well, but you don’t know that area well. A common example is the area of your occupation versus the area of a different occupation. Something you are manipulated into knowing as true or not true. The facts may be the opposite of the “knowledge” resulting from that manipulation.

大多數知道一點點的人 Bitcoin 對我的一些方向並不無知。

Ignorance Of What You Have Not Learned Yet

This ignorance can be the motivation to learn more as we mature. This type of ignorance is what fuels personal and institutional learning, research, and innovation.

對於很多, Bitcoin 是他們還沒有學到的東西。

There are a variety of learning styles, so to educate everybody, many different educational paths and time preferences are needed. The group who hasn’t learned yet runs the gamut of ages, life situations, work situations, available time, energy, and capabilities for learning.

有很多這樣的無知 Bitcoin 由於他們生活環境的特點。

Ignorance By Selection

If you work in one field, you might not learn about a different field due to the time required to become an expert or worker in that field.

Maybe you operate within one financial system and you haven’t learned about alternative ones.

Or when you do learn about something, you stick to something that confirms your existing beliefs, is within your biases, and therefore comfortable.

Most people have grown up and been taught to operate within a particular financial genre.

There are many reasons for ignorance by selection and they range from factors like age to time factors to benign lack of exposure to belligerently not wanting to learn something new.

讓我們幫助人們選擇了解更多關於 Bitcoin.

Ignorance That Is Crafted

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” – Mark Twain

Certain institutions have become quite effective at manufacturing ignorance.

I believe there are two areas where ignorance is crafted:

The environment you grow up in, as you are mostly dependent on others and the educational system. Actual propaganda and manipulation of the narrative, aka spin, manipulated information that your mind trains and learns on.

I also believe that it is difficult to separate the two of these, since history and narrative is written by the victorious and the successful.

The term agnotology was invented by Proctor when a paper called the Smoking And Health Proposal was leaked to the public. The document described in detail how cigarette corporations were attempting to obfuscate research findings that cigarettes are carcinogenic.

The Greek word “agnosis” means “not knowing” and “ontology” means “nature,” so Proctor invented the term agnotology to mean the study of the nature of not knowing.

Proctor was inspired to study this area because he saw that a long-standing and very powerful industry was able to cast doubt around the health effects of tobacco.

Similarly, the long-standing and powerful central banking, financial institutions, and government industries craft ignorance in two ways:

關於貨幣政策的敘述和關於經濟現實的“熟”數據。 引起懷疑或恐懼的敘述 Bitcoin 及其可能的用途或後果。 這些敘述使用吸引人的負面短語,例如“影子超級編碼器”,並指責犯罪使用或能源使用(而其他三個指責則指向基於法令的犯罪和通貨膨脹)。

People are attempting to document and counteract this constructed ignorance on Twitter and in articles for Bitcoin 雜誌FCA 影響者計劃和 Bitcoin 文章。 很多負面的 Bitcoin 和能源的爭論似乎是故意構建的無知。

還需要注意不要在周圍做同樣的無知 Bitcoin。 例如:

Bitcoin 並不能解決所有問題:它修復了基礎貨幣,從而解決了很多問題。 我也相信 Bitcoin 將為我們甚至不知道它會修復的領域提供解決方案。 然而, Bitcoin 不會解決所有問題。 法定產業的毀滅:很多人 Bitcoin關心真正受到通貨膨脹傷害的人是那些在公司裡的底層工人 Bitcoin 將在金融轉變中拆除。 有人在薩爾瓦多的西聯匯款櫃檯工作,有人在為 Visa 撥打電話。 許多人將受到與製造外包到海外時發生的停工類似的傷害。 讓我們不要為這裡的現實鼓掌和編造敘事。

Responses To Manufactured Ignorance

Understanding the different types of ignorance can help in crafting responses appropriately.

Misconceptions Along With Openly-Curious Questions. Scout out where the misconception starts, including relevant cognitive biases, noise, narratives from authorities or media.

Use educational material with high-level analogies that the average person can relate to and understand. We should prioritize communicating effectively over parading our knowledge. Mission should trump ego.

If you can get people to start to comprehend, people will start down the rabbit hole and get to greater understanding.


Call them out, and combat the narratives intentionally and directly with facts that counteract.

This manufactured ignorance is intentional in order to maintain the legacy fiat product, system, and those who benefit from its continuation.

Don’t pull your factual punches.

Agnotology, or the making of ignorance, is a marketing strategy for many who use it.

This strategy is used to craft a message that distracts from the reality of the situation and what benefits certain interests.

It’s easier than fixing the problem or finding an alternative solution.

Like Bitcoin.

這是海蒂·波特的客座文章。 所表達的意見完全是他們自己的,並不一定反映 BTC, Inc. 或 Bitcoin 雜誌.

原始來源: Bitcoin 雜誌