Bitcoin And The Philosophy Of Free Choice

By Bitcoin 雜誌 - 2 年前 - 閱讀時間:7 分鐘

Bitcoin And The Philosophy Of Free Choice

Bitcoin 允許人們選擇退出並非為他們的利益而設計的系統,並創建一個志同道合的“網絡狀態”。

The profoundness of philosophy is typically measured in extremities and diversions from a central understood point. This can address the thought collective, or the individual, when discussing knowledge and experiences with the intention of developing a grandiose understanding of the subject at hand, or positing real and lasting change. The road map for such a study is as follows: First, we define the problem of a system. Second, we define a solution for the system. Third, we implement the solution that allows us into a new system. Following this path, we must first define our central understood point, or the problem.

The Problem Is Money

This isn’t your typical “digital gold” conversation, we will step outside of this box for now. No matter one’s political alignment, everyone can basically agree the system is broken. But which “system” are we referring to? A system can be anything from the order you prepare yourself in the morning, to machines used to further our understanding of quantum physics.

Do we mean the financial system? Sure, that plays into it. The nonstop inflation, the quantitative easing growing, repo rates going to never-before-seen levels, certainly finance has to do with it. Covid-19 vaccine response to less than your liking? Public education response to a global pandemic not conducive to your wants? Did the moratorium on rent only succeed in delaying interest-frozen debt? Job never called you back when you were deemed unessential? Social Security’s absence for your retirement causing existential questions of the requirements asked of your income? Maybe it’s just the fact that you can’t stand needing a license for every “freedom” you think you have. Well, who controls all of this?

The Problem Is The State

This is not a manifesto for anarchism, though I do wander closer to it each day. The problem is that the state has failed us. Financially, bureaucratically, generally, and fully, the state has failed us. The reason for this failure is the incentive. The incentive to serve the people of majority in the system has evaporated and the majority amassed far less wealth than the minority, and the minority reigns as the supreme being. Legislation is crafted under the burdensome weight of cash.

In a fiat standard, the answer is always more: more printing, more bailouts, more tax cuts, more quantitative easing, more securities, more taxes, more, more, and more. In an ecosystem of debt, we will just raise the ceiling.

If the system is the state, and fiat fuels the system by allowing the minority to ignore the majority for lack of voice in the existing system, then exit the system. This brings us to the solution.

The Solution Is Exit The State

Easier said than done, right? Not anymore. This isn’t as simple as “if you don’t like it then leave.” Exiting the state, or exiting the existing system, does not imply nor encourage complete nullification of the state. Exiting the state simply means choosing to opt-out of the system designed against you, and opting into a system that is designed for you.

在先前的 文章,我談到了“菲亞特是國家”和“Bitcoin 是無國籍的。” 在不重複這些陳述中的任何一個的含義的情況下,讓我們假設它們是正確的。 法定貨幣受制於其所在州,並且 bitcoin 它不依賴任何人,它是“無國籍的”。

從理論上講,如果我們的問題是國家,而國家的對立面是反國家或“無國家”,那麼 Bitcoin 代表現有問題的邏輯解決方案,因為它允許您通過利用其全球網絡退出當前系統來退出您所在州的給定係統。

購買 bitcoin 修復系統是不夠的,它只是讓個人滿足成功退出一個對你不利的系統,這只有當一個人走上成為自己財富的主權者的道路上,因為購買硬幣並沒有構成完全退出。 那麼,我們如何為集體而不是個人實現這一目標? 我們如何實現主權?

Implementing A Solution Of Sovereignty

This piece is not a technical walkthrough such as the setting up of a node or explaining how wallets work. Instead, we will focus on a solution for the collective, rather than the individual. How do we accomplish a collective exit of the current system? One person at a time.

必須理解第一個前提。 有一個問題,那個問題就是狀態。 Bitcoin 允許個人在任何周圍狀態的範圍之外進行操作(去閱讀那個 文章 如果你還沒有的話,從早些時候開始),製作 Bitcoin 解決方案,或從系統中退出。 要實現退出系統,首先要具備真正退出系統的能力。 大多數人還沒有完全退出系統的能力,這沒關係。 我們不需要都這樣做; 我們甚至可能不需要做這一切。 如果需要,我們必須願意。 退出系統是什麼意思?

Bitcoin 作為一種全球貨幣,在節點和礦工維護網絡的努力的支持下。 節點基本上只是擁有驗證交易的計算機的人。 礦工實際上解決了 Bitcoin 通過消耗電力。 這種有形資源的支出使我們能夠根據所花費的資源關聯一個價值。 該系統存在於國家之外,因為國家對協議沒有權力。 國家不能決定創造更多 bitcoin,只有網絡共識才能做到這一點。 國家不能隱藏交易,因為 Bitcoin 是一個讓每個人都負責的公共分類賬。 任何節點都可以檢查任何曾經發生過的交易。 擁有自己的硬幣,進行主權飛躍,通過自我保管控制自己的硬幣,並能夠在世界任何地方使用可替代的貨幣,這……正在退出系統。

Once enough individuals have taken their exit of the system, not completely abandoning it, or leaving, but by the possession of a new asset, they can now exist outside of the state. Now, one person, one coin, one wallet, may not be the largest concern of the state. However, were 30, or 40% of citizens or more capable of an exit, or threatening an exit, then perhaps the state becomes willing to listen. Perhaps, to get this new asset you hold in a system they cannot touch, they create more incentive for you to want to opt back in with rewards of some sort. Perhaps it’s a restructuring of the entire system, and perhaps the old way is cast to the darkened pits of human failure, written about in learned texts of the future, telling of a lost and scattered time.

To state it shortly, exit the system together, and make them work to get you back. Once this takes place, we move to the last ideal in this pursuit of sovereignty. We must now replace the system, but with what?

The Network State Versus A Network State

These are two separate ideals that represent completely different ideologies. One of them is now, and in almost everything we do, while the other is a not-too-distant future.

“A Network State” is something that has been popularized by Balaji Srinivasan. He argues that the collective bargaining power of like-minded individuals that are prepared to exit the system can control a heartily-weighted opinion that is difficult to ignore. He speaks to the possibilities of these voiced collectives earning statehood, pooling assets, buying properties, and creating their own virtual and physical communities within, or outside of specific nation-states.

“網絡狀態”完全是另外一回事。 這是集體共識的命名法:滲透在每個人內部的想法,走出了當前的系統。 一旦 Bitcoin呃變成了 Bitcoin呃,然後他們進入集體共識,或者“The Nation State of Bitcoin”(如果你願意的話)。

“The Network State” allows for collective thought and continued growth in ideals as well as countless other benefits. “A Network State” is the manifestation of a digital community that is recognized in an official capacity. “A Network State” is not a requirement but is most assuredly the path we are set upon. “The Network State” is imperative, nay, essential for future adoption.

“A Network State” would have to be born of those belonging to “The Network State.” But being part of “The Network State,” does not require admittance into “A Network State.” Read it again.

這種選擇是固有的,並且可以說是教條的 Bitcoin. 退出現有系統後進入網絡狀態的必要條件與根植於協議中的自由意識形態背道而馳。 進入一個網絡狀態的系統需要前一個系統的絕對釋放,同時也要求沒有任何系統。

Both the leaving of the original system and the lack of need for a new one, are what gives an individual true choice in the adoption of a new system. Without choice, you were simply forced into upgrading your analog system for a digital one.

This is a guest post by Shawn Amick. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC, Inc. or Bitcoin 雜誌.

原始來源: Bitcoin 雜誌