Bitcoin 礦業巨頭 Argo 區塊鏈獲得負現金流和股價下跌

作者 NewsBTC - 1 年前 - 閱讀時間:2 分鐘

Bitcoin 礦業巨頭 Argo 區塊鏈獲得負現金流和股價下跌

Though the crypto winter seems to be over, its impact on Bitcoin and the crypto market still lingers. Several crypto-related firms have gone down the drain over the pressure in the market. Some are still battling to stay afloat despite the forces’ influence while managing their operations.

Most companies related to Bitcoin mining are getting more heat from the fluctuating market trend. Most Bitcoin miners have shut down businesses, but some filed for bankruptcy as they couldn’t weather the storm.

據報導,Argo Blockchain 正面臨負現金流,其股票價值下降。 這家加密貨幣礦業巨頭為其持續運營融資的壓力越來越大。 此類融資尋求更多失敗可能導致其進程停止或未來現金急劇下降。

Bitcoin Mining Giant Argo Blockchain With No Adequate Sources To Fight Insolvency

BTC礦工發布了一個 新聞公報 披露其先前的財務計劃。 它注意到該公司一直在探索各種經濟機會。 但是,它對簽署此類協議或完成富有成效的交易沒有具體保證。

它透露,公司需要完善財務活動,為其運營需求提供足夠的營運資金。 這種經濟增長對於從今天起未來十二個月的可持續性是必要的,以避免破產。

據媒體報導,該公司與投資者制定了一項合作計劃,通過認購股票產生 27 萬美元。 然而,嘗試沒有成功。

此外,Argo Blockchain 報告了其一些採礦設備的銷售情況,以保留現金並提高其流動性。 例如,在公司定於 3,843 月進行的最後一批庫存中,它記錄了售出約 19 台全新的 Bitman SXNUMXJ Pro 機器。

Argo 區塊鏈股票暴跌

繼近期財務狀況下行後,Argo 的股價表現暴跌。 數據顯示在過去 50 小時內下降了近 24%。 此外,年初的股票報告顯示跌幅超過 80%。

The struggle by Argo has been going on for some time now. Finally, the Bitcoin mining firm got a $25 million BTC-backed loan from Galaxy Digital, an investment management company, in September 2021. The loan targets to support the miner’s cash flow requirements and expansion plans in West Texas.

Argo has been selling its BTC, holding monthly throughout 2022. This move is the necessary option to cut down its part of the agreement and increase its balance sheet. In June this year, the firm sold about 637 Bitcoin 每個代幣 24,500 美元。

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However, it seems to sell more Bitcoin tokens than it has produced. In June, the company mined about 179 BTC but sold 637 BTC coins.

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原始來源: NewsBTC