加密對沖基金資深人士預測爆炸性拋物線走勢 Bitcoin – 這是他的時間表

作者 The Daily Hodl - 1 年前 - 閱讀時間:2 分鐘

加密對沖基金資深人士預測爆炸性拋物線走勢 Bitcoin – 這是他的時間表

Morgan Creek Digital managing partner Mark Yusko thinks the bottom is already in for Bitcoin (BTC) 並且將在不到一年的時間內進行大規模反彈。

在接受 Stansberry Research 的新採訪時,Yusko 告訴 host Matt McCall that after nearly ten months of frustration and financial loss, the crypto winter is finally over with Bitcoin ready to move in about half a year.

“我認為加密貨幣的春天來了。 當我們再次獲得拋物線上漲時,我們距離加密貨幣夏天還有一段路要走。



“Bitcoin is a perfect store of value. It’s basically digital gold. Gold is the only money in the history of the world. Bitcoin is as good as gold. It’s equally scarce, yet it’s more divisible and more portable.”

Yusko goes on to explain why he’s not worried about the major losses Bitcoin has incurred since late in 2021, noting that he believes BTC already hit a cycle bottom at around $17,500 back in the middle of June.

Everything’s down since November because we had these massive liquidations of overleveraged speculation. When you get a margin call, you don’t get to sell what you want to sell. You’ve got to sell gold, bonds and Bitcoin.

[以前] 沒有下降的東西,現在下降。 所以現在一切都在下降,相關性上升,但這是暫時的。 現在相關性再次逆轉。

[Last] Friday was a good example: Markets were down, Bitcoin 起來了。 Bitcoin’s up a lot since mid-June. That’s when I will say was the bottom, the $17,500 candle that day.


在撰寫本文時, Bitcoin 交易價格為 24,029 美元。


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該職位 加密對沖基金資深人士預測爆炸性拋物線走勢 Bitcoin – 這是他的時間表 最早出現 每日霍德.

原始來源: 每日霍德