美國的加密貨幣遊說在 116 個月內增長了 12%,9.56 年花費了 2021 萬美元

By Bitcoin.com - 2 年前 - 閱讀時間: 2 分鐘

美國的加密貨幣遊說在 116 個月內增長了 12%,9.56 年花費了 2021 萬美元

加密貨幣和區塊鏈公司對圍繞加密貨幣行業的未來立法感到擔憂,而花在遊說上的資金鞏固了這一事實。 最近發表的一項研究表明,用於加密貨幣遊說的資金在 116 個月內增長了 12%,其中 9.56 萬美元用於尋求政客和公職人員的影響力。

2021 年加密貨幣遊說和利益代表花費了數百萬美元


本月,cryptohead.io 的研究人員發表了一項研究,重點介紹了 2021 年的加密遊說活動。在美國政治中,說服官僚代表利益的行為是合法的,幾乎每個美國行業都存在遊說者。

James Page 撰寫的 Cryptohead.io 研究顯示,總部位於加州的金融服務公司 Robinhood Markets, Inc. 是 2021 年加密貨幣遊說方面支出最多的公司。

Out of the $9.56 million aggregate spent, Robinhood contributed $1.35 million or roughly 14.12% of the crypto lobbying expenditure last year. Ripple Labs the blockchain organization behind the crypto token 瑞波幣 (XRP) was the second-largest crypto lobbying spender.

Ripple Labs spent $900,000 toward these efforts in 2021 and was followed by Coinbase which spent $785,000. While Coinbase leveraged 23 lobbyists last year, Robinhood deployed 16, and Ripple Labs utilized 12 lobbyists in 2021.

The numbers spent in 2021 exceeded 2020 by 116%, according to cryptohead.io’s study. Moreover, the researchers also measured the expenditures paid for lobbying since 2017, and Ripple Labs has spent the most funds.

Since 2017, cryptohead.io’s data claims that Ripple Labs spent $1.95 million on crypto lobbying while Robinhood utilized $1.625 million. Coinbase spent around $1.465 million but the Blockchain Association was the third-largest crypto lobbying spender since 2017 with $1.610 million spent.

Since 2017, cryptohead.io’s data says Block.one has spent around $940K on crypto lobbying. Cryptohead.io utilized data from the organization 打開秘密 which gives estimates on how much firms spend on interest representation.

公開秘密列表還詳細說明了公司僱用的遊說者數量。 Cryptohead.io 由 James Page 撰寫的關於加密貨幣遊說的深入研究可全文閱讀 点击這裡.

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原始來源: Bitcoin.COM