Dogecoin Surges 20% As Billionaire Elon Musk Vows To Boost Purchasing Power On DOGE

作者 ZyCrypto - 1 年前 - 閱讀時間:2 分鐘

Dogecoin Surges 20% As Billionaire Elon Musk Vows To Boost Purchasing Power On DOGE

週日,億萬富翁埃隆馬斯克在推特上表示他將「繼續支持狗狗幣」後,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的漲幅超過 20%。 在隨後回覆一位追隨者告訴他“那麼繼續購買”時,馬斯克說“我是”,這表明他一直在積累模因幣。

埃隆的評論是在一周後發表的 $258B 集體訴訟 特斯拉執行長、特斯拉和 SpaceX 因涉嫌圍繞加密貨幣實施金字塔計劃而被提起訴訟。 根據彭博社週四報道,埃隆被指控大量炒作狗狗幣,並透過他的公司實施敲詐勒索計畫來支持這種加密貨幣。 

“被告虛假且具有欺騙性地聲稱狗狗幣是合法投資,但實際上它根本沒有價值。” 提起集體訴訟的基斯·約翰遜在訴狀中表示。 他進一步指責馬斯克利用他作為世界首富的地位來運營和操縱狗狗幣金字塔計劃,以獲取利潤、曝光和娛樂。

由於伊隆的狗狗幣影響力,基斯和代表階層聲稱自 86 年以來他們損失了約 2019 億美元。基斯還要求法院判給原告 172B 美元的三倍賠償金。

Originally designed as a joke in 2013 to poke fun at Bitcoin, Dogecoin had steadily risen from being an obscure “meme coin” to being one of the largest cryptocurrencies. At one point, the coin’s market cap topped $88 Billion eclipsing a list of well-established S&P 500 firms.

Elon Musk publicly joined the Doge bandwagon in 2019 and had until its prime been one of its biggest promoters. On numerous occasions, the Tesla boss has posted tweets aimed at “mooning” the crypto’s price. At one time, Binance’s CEO Changpeng Zhao “CZ” cautioned Musk against using his position of influence to manipulate price as many people relied on his investment advice.

Perhaps taking a more cautionary approach, Musk started promoting the meme coin objectively, praising it for its carbon-friendly and low transaction costs compared to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. He would later strive to back his claims by rolling out 特斯拉的狗狗付款 計劃將其添加到的商品 SpaceX 和星鏈。 其他公開支持 DOGE 的億萬富翁包括達拉斯小牛隊老闆馬克庫班。

截至撰寫本文時,狗狗幣因馬斯克的言論而飆升,目前交易價格為 0.06 美元。 然而,與 90 年 0.73 月 2021 美元的歷史高點相比,其價格仍下跌 8%。目前,Doge 是第十大加密貨幣,市值為 XNUMX 億美元。

原始來源: ZyCrypto