以太坊創造者 Vitalik Buterin 解釋了大眾如何採用加密支付

作者 The Daily Hodl - 1 年前 - 閱讀時間:2 分鐘

以太坊創造者 Vitalik Buterin 解釋了大眾如何採用加密支付

以太坊(ETH) 創建者 Vitalik Buterin 表示,與主流替代品相比,他認為加密資產是一種優越的支付方式。 

28歲的程序員 that using digital coins for payments doesn’t just deter censorship, it is also a more convenient method for international remittances and business deals, based on his personal experiences.

“人們繼續低估加密貨幣支付的優越性,甚至不是因為審查阻力,而是因為它們更方便。 極大地促進了國際商業和慈善事業,有時甚至是國家內部的支付。

Buterin says that he uses digital assets to support charities and academic organizations that otherwise have had limited or no connection to crypto assets.

“I’ve used crypto to give grants to medium-sized charities and otherwise-unconnected-to-crypto academic orgs. Not big orgs the average person would have heard of, but still significant stuff outside the crypto bubble.”



Buterin’s comment comes as credit card company Mastercard and crypto exchange Binance partner to enable more people to use their digital assets for purchases. The two companies just launched the Binance Card in Argentina in a bid to see widespread adoption of crypto payments. 

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該職位 以太坊創造者 Vitalik Buterin 解釋了大眾如何採用加密支付 最早出現 每日霍德.

原始來源: 每日霍德