富達的 Bitcoin 勞工部官員表示,401(k) 規定對美國人的退休保障帶來風險

By Bitcoin.com - 2 年前 - 閱讀時間: 2 分鐘

富達的 Bitcoin 勞工部官員表示,401(k) 規定對美國人的退休保障帶來風險

The U.S. Labor Department has “grave concerns” about Fidelity Investments allowing investors to put bitcoin into their 401(k) accounts for retirement savings. An official of the Labor Department said it risks the retirement security of Americans, stressing that “cryptocurrencies can present serious risks to retirement savings.”

U.S. Labor Department’s ‘Grave Concerns’ Over Fidelity’s Bitcoin 401(k) Offering

The U.S. Labor Department is deeply concerned about Fidelity Investments’ new offering to allow investors to put up to 20% of their 401(k) savings and contributions into bitcoin (BTC)。 401(k) 是美國流行的工作場所儲蓄計劃,具有稅收優惠,可激勵退休投資。

勞工部僱員福利保障局代理助理部長 Ali Khawar 週五在接受《華爾街日報》採訪時表示:


Khawar explained that Labor Department believes that Fidelity allowing savers to put bitcoin into their 401(k) accounts risks the retirement security of Americans.

The official said that he views cryptocurrency as speculative. There is “a lot of hype around ‘You have to get in now because you will be left behind otherwise,'” he opined.

Khawar 於 XNUMX 月在勞工部網站上寫了一篇博客文章,提出了對投資於加密貨幣的退休計劃的擔憂。 他詳述:

美國勞工部對計劃讓參與者直接投資於加密貨幣或相關產品(如 NFT、硬幣和加密資產)的決定表示嚴重關切。


Do you think the U.S. Department of Labor should be worried about Fidelity allowing investors to put bitcoin into their 401(k) accounts? Let us know in the comments section below.

原始來源: Bitcoin.COM