為 Bitcoin 為了勝利,我們必須燒毀船隻

By Bitcoin 雜誌 - 1 年前 - 閱讀時間:3 分鐘

為 Bitcoin 為了勝利,我們必須燒毀船隻

Bitcoiners must take the plunge of no return and enter a world where bitcoin is the only form of money they interact with.

This is an opinion editorial by Interstellar Bitcoin,貢獻者 Bitcoin 雜誌。

不管我們喜不喜歡, Bitcoiners still live in a world built on fiat currency. 菲亞特統治著我們周圍的一切我們吃的食物我們住的房子。在我們「燒毀船隻」之前,我們還沒有準備好實現最終的勝利。

在1519, 埃爾南·科爾特斯(HernánCortés) 率領西班牙軍隊前往現代墨西哥征服阿茲特克帝國。登陸後,兩名領導人叛變,按照科爾特斯領導的艦隊的總督的命令返回古巴。作為回應, 科爾特斯擊沉了他的艦隊 透過關閉唯一的撤退路徑來防止未來發生任何叛亂。

儘管困難重重,科爾特斯繼續擊敗了由超過300,000 萬阿茲特克人和幾千名西班牙人組成的敵軍,憑藉先進的軍事技術、意想不到的天花爆發和精明的政治聯盟最終取得了勝利。

探險隊中的許多人以前從未見過戰鬥,包括科爾特斯本人。歷史學家將 13 年 1521 月 XNUMX 日視為西班牙對抗阿茲特克帝國的最終勝利。然而,科爾特斯在“燒毀船隻”的那一刻才真正獲勝。

從本質上講,「燒船」的隱喻代表著不歸路:跨越一個界限的心理承諾。 沙子裡的線 一勞永逸。超出此 事件視界,不能有任何對沖或監視。從現在開始,一切——所有的想法和努力——都必須集中在新的現實中取得成功。

Like Cortés, Bitcoiners have crossed the Atlantic to the promised land. However, while Bitcoiners still use fiat money, we will not be truly free. Until we burn the ships, we will not win.

Bitcoiners are the remnant. We lead by example. We must show the world we are not afraid to live on a bitcoin standard. We must use bitcoin not just as our store of value but as the unit of account and medium of exchange for our daily lives.

We must strive for peace and prosperity, by building circular bitcoin economies that remain resilient against the volatility of the fiat exchange rate. We must keep studying to build the knowledge and intellectual depth upon which rigorous discourse can thrive. We must build large stacks upon which generational wealth is built. In the end, 只有強者才能生存.

There is a nascent movement in the Bitcoin cultural sphere known as #GetOnZero which polarizes many people. This movement represents “burning the ships.” This state change is both functional and psychological. It drives companies to build better products for Bitcoiners. It drives Bitcoiners to harden our resolve as Bitcoiners. It 表示我們願意隨船沉沒。這證明我們在面對不可克服的困難時無所畏懼。

給我 Bitcoin or give me death

批評者 will say it’s “too early” or point to statistics in an attempt to rationalize why holding some fiat currency is better. While such notions may seem correct on paper, in practice, until Bitcoiners take that grand leap of faith, we are not prepared to do what it takes to win. Until we are ready to completely let go of fiat currency, it will continue to culturally and functionally survive. Bitcoiners, like Cortés, must embrace burning the ships. Once we do, the process of hyperbitcoinization already underway will rapidly accelerate.

那一刻 Bitcoiners burn the ships is the moment Bitcoiners win.


This is a guest post by Interstellar Bitcoin. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC, Inc. or Bitcoin 雜誌。

原始來源: Bitcoin 雜誌