Freedom Protocol Has Become the Project With the Largest Amount of IDO in the Ecology of Binance 智能鏈

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Freedom Protocol Has Become the Project With the Largest Amount of IDO in the Ecology of Binance 智能鏈

新聞稿。 Binance is a curious company. the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, it also has no official headquarters and operates outside regulatory control. But that may not stop its step. Binance.US raised funding at a $4.5bn valuation this month, providing a new case for Binance enthusiasts. Today, they can share the exciting news that Freedom Protocol has set a new record on IDO volume.

Freedom Protocol is a new financial protocol that makes pledging easier and more efficient. It makes the largest amount of IDO with over $4M, and it is another big DeFi project issued on the Binance 智能鏈。

Freedom Protocol is wise to raise funds while it can. Revenue depends on trading volumes in its crypto, which are notoriously volatile. It is sensible to put aside capital when it can while building relations with external investors. It is worth mentioning that Freedom Protocol raises $4 from normal users instead of professional agencies.

自由協議的粉絲喜歡聲稱他們的目的始終是挑戰傳統金融世界。 無論他的行動看起來多麼困難,他們都相信自由協議的老闆有秘密計劃。 解析其 4 萬美元的 IDO 規模以實現 DeFi 平台需要類似程度的信心。

Freedom Protocol announced that they aim to make simplicity and directness of financial investment for all crypto enthusiasts. They were warmly welcomed on Binance Smart Chain(BSC) which is the public chain launched by Binance, it helps them achieve a record on IDO volume within a few days.

最先迎接他們的是意見領袖。 Twitter上的一些KOL為這個計畫發布了熱情的推文,隨後在澳洲發布了戶外廣告並發起了許多不同類型的活動。

Freedom Protocol是一個典型案例,它專注於私人投資、私人公司和個人的股權,這些都是機構客戶近年來不斷增加配置的領域。 現在Freedom Protocol在全球範圍內開展業務,其中包括德國機場出租車的廣告,這表明Freedom Protocol想要幫助更多其他國家客戶的決心。

在沒有任何證據可以證明的情況下,Freedom Protoco 也有足夠的信心表達這樣的觀點:傳統金融主導的模式應該徹底改革。 而這一次,是公司和管理階層需要適應 DeFi 的需求,而不是相反。

Binance chief executive Changpeng Zhao described DeFi as infrastructure for the new digital world, and encourage many investors and entrepreneurs to get involved in DeFi story.

但正如他們所知,主流接受度會很慢。 監管機構仍然擔心加密貨幣被用於洗錢和其他犯罪活動。 美國 SEC 主席加里·詹斯勒 (Gary Gensler) 將加密貨幣市場稱為「狂野的西部」。 這種噪音讓潛在投資者和員工都感到不快。 因此,自由協議本週在推特上表示,他們正在嘗試從杜拜和日本申請加密資產許可證,它不再將自己描繪成一個沒有固定總部的去中心化組織。

杜拜的許可將使其能夠向經過資格預審的投資者和專業金融服務提供者提供有限的服務。 “該公司還將在迪拜世界貿易中心設立一個“區塊鏈技術中心”。” 自由協議創辦人奧斯卡說。

自由協議的成功只是一個令人震驚的更大事實的微小反映:迄今為止,加密貨幣在金融體系和網路創新中留下了巨大的受眾。 由於金融工作的規模直接影響地球上每個就業人員的日常生活,這一點很重要。

The global crypto market is estimated to have a market worth more than $2tn. Binance’s own digital token is up more than 1,000 percent since the start of 2021. Freedom Protocol becomes a unique perspective on why Binance is so successful in recent years.

也許自由協議有一個徹底改變金融模式的計畫。 也許有一天它會成為一家加密支付公司。 或是 NFT 交易平台。 或者也許該平台的所有用戶都只是想擁有它。



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原始來源: Bitcoin.COM