霍斯金森對抗 Bitcoin 最高主義者對卡爾達諾和山寨幣的批評

作者 ZyCrypto - 5 個月前 - 閱讀時間:2 分鐘

霍斯金森對抗 Bitcoin 最高主義者對卡爾達諾和山寨幣的批評

卡爾達諾創始人查爾斯霍斯金森面臨來自 Bitcoin 最大化主義者以及卡爾達諾和其他山寨幣面臨的監管審查。 在周五的「Ask Me Anything」(AMA)會議上,霍斯金森深入研究了加密貨幣行業的現狀,表達了對加密貨幣行業內日益增長的極端主義的擔憂。 Bitcoin 社區以及卡爾達諾等項目面臨的監管挑戰。

霍斯金森回憶起加密貨幣領域的早期時光 Bitcoin was small and there was a sense of collegiality. However, he noted the shift towards maximalism, where some assert that only Bitcoin has value, labelling all other projects as scams or securities. Hoskinson argued against this narrative, criticizing the likes of self-professed Bitcoin maximalists like Max Keiser who have argued in the past that everything else is a security apart from Bitcoin.

Bitcoin 改變了很多” 霍斯金森說,「它從一個人們玩得很開心的大學環境…變成了一個幾乎是邪教的地方,一群人說…除了 Bitcoin 是一個騙局[並且]任何在以外工作的人 Bitcoin 在加密貨幣行業中是犯罪分子或被誤導了。”

在 AMA 中,他還強調了一個令人擔憂的現實,即行業內的某些公司和個人 Bitcoin 太空積極遊說國會和美國聯邦政府將所有非Bitcoin cryptocurrencies. Hoskinson backed this assertion by citing direct conversations with lawmakers’ staff who disclosed that influential Bitcoin community members had advocated for the outright illegality of alternative coins.

Hoskinson further criticized regulatory inconsistencies by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) classifying cryptocurrencies.

「明顯缺乏客觀性,營運現實之間沒有明顯區別 Bitcoin、以太坊、卡爾達諾和其他代幣,” 他加了。 “這完全是乳白色的水,每天我們都處於完全的損失之中,因為這些東西同時是貨幣、商品[或]……甚至不清楚這些東西將如何運作。”

Notably, earlier this week, Hoskinson accused the SEC of giving Bitcoin preferential treatment while subjecting other cryptocurrencies, including Cardano’s ADA token, to more stringent scrutiny. Hoskinson called the SEC’s treatment of the ADA a “pathetic joke” and demanded an explanation for the differential regulatory approach.

Responding to claims that Cardano had conducted an Initial Coin Offering (ICO), Hoskinson also clarified that ADA distribution occurred through an airdrop involving thousands of participants globally. He argued that this method did not constitute an ICO and questioned the legitimacy of stricter regulatory oversight based on such claims. That said, he called for a more nuanced understanding of decentralization and innovation, challenging the maximalist rhetoric that dominates discussions within the cryptocurrency community.

原始來源: ZyCrypto