竊聽手機有多容易? Bitcoin Has Characteristics Of Veblen Goods

By Bitcoin 雜誌 - 2 年前 - 閱讀時間:2 分鐘

竊聽手機有多容易? Bitcoin Has Characteristics Of Veblen Goods

什麼是凡勃倫商品? 它們與常規商品和商品有何不同? bitcoin 凡勃倫好嗎?

觀看“Bitcoin 凡勃倫好”在 YouTube 上。 

For most products and services, there is an inverse relationship between price and demand. That is, when the price goes up, demand goes down.

However, for Veblen goods, there is a direct relationship between price and demand. When the price goes up, demand for that product goes up too.

This is because Veblen goods are luxury products meant to display exclusivity, wealth, and social status.

If you’re meeting two people, and one of them drives a Ferrari 296 GTB and the other drives a Toyota Camry, most assume the person driving the Ferrari is much wealthier. Individuals like to buy expensive cars not only to show they are wealthy but also because few people can afford them.

The exclusivity of the Ferrari is what drives its demand. And that exclusivity is driven by its high price tag. The high price signals to people that this is a product only for the rich and successful. So if the price of a veblen good suddenly plummets, then demand will drop too because it would lose its exclusive nature.

Examples of Veblen goods are designer clothing (Gucci, Prada, and Armani), real estate (Martha’s Vineyard), and even attendance at universities like Stanford, Yale, and Georgetown. Their exclusivity drives their demand. After all, if anyone could get into these schools, why would rich Hollywood parents be willing to pay millions in bribes to get their kids in?

所以,現在最大的問題是 bitcoin 與凡勃倫商品有關? 嗯,簡短的回答是 bitcoin 是一個凡勃倫的好。

在其成立的最初幾年,當 bitcoin的價格低,需求也低。

幾乎沒有人聽說過 bitcoin 當時覺得一文不值,就沒人買了。 但是作為價格 bitcoin 爬升,人們開始注意到它的需求增加了。 更 bitcoin的價格上漲,它在市場眼中變得越有價值,人們就越想要它。

所以那是 bitcoin 和凡勃倫商品,現在你知道為什麼了 bitcoin 是一個凡勃倫的好。

這是 Siby Suriyan 的客座文章。 所表達的意見完全是他們自己的,並不一定反映 BTC Inc. 或 Bitcoin 雜誌.

原始來源: Bitcoin 雜誌