我如何與家人談論 Bitcoin 這個感恩節

By Bitcoin 雜誌 - 1 年前 - 閱讀時間:5 分鐘

我如何與家人談論 Bitcoin 這個感恩節

The best way to address your family members at this year’s Thanksgiving dinner when the orange coin comes up in conversation.

This is an opinion editorial by Joakim Book, a Research Fellow at the American Institute for Economic Research, contributor and copy editor for Bitcoin Magazine and a writer on all things money and financial history.


而已。 就是這篇文章。

真誠地說,這就是完整的信息:只是不要這樣做。 這不值得。

你不再是一個興奮的少年,迫切需要吹牛或嘗試你新發現的智慧。 你不是一個在清算日即將到來之前拯救迷失靈魂的佈道女祭司。 我們有時間。

相反:只是 讓人們獨自一人. 嚴重地。 他們來參加感恩節晚宴是為了與家人一起放鬆和歡樂、歡笑、講故事和出去玩一天——而不是被埋伏在他們根本不關心的一些晦澀話題中,這聽起來像是瘋狂的咆哮。 即使是貨幣體系, 沒有人能理解 無論如何。


如果你不相信這種戴爾·卡內基式的社交方式,並且你仍然天真地認為你在兩口之間的微薄話語可以改變任何人對任何事情的看法,這裡有一些更嚴肅的原因可以解釋為什麼你 talk to friends and family about Bitcoin the protocol — but most certainly not bitcoin, the asset:

你的家人和朋友不想听。 繼續前行。

For op-sec reasons, you don’t want to draw unnecessary attention to the fact that you probably have a decent bitcoin stack. Hopefully, family and close friends should be safe enough to confide in, but people talk and that gossip can only hurt you.

人們發現 bitcoin interesting only when they’re ready to; everyone 得到他們應得的價格。 如 梁詠琪 在“21 課”中說:

“Bitcoin will be understood by you as soon as are ready, and I also believe that the first fractions of a bitcoin will find you as soon as you are ready to receive them. In essence, everyone will get ₿itcoin at exactly the right time.”

您的叔叔或岳母恰好處於那個階段的可能性很小, 只是 當你要坐下來吃晚飯的時候。

Unless you can claim youth, old age or extreme poverty, there are very few people who genuinely haven’t heard of bitcoin. That means your evangelizing wouldn’t be preaching to lost, ignorant souls ready to be saved but the tired, huddled and jaded masses who could care less about the discovery that will change their societies more than the internal combustion engine, internet and Big Government combined. Big deal.

What is the case, however, is that everyone in your prospective audience has already had a couple of touchpoints and rejected bitcoin for this or that standard FUD. It’s a 騙局; 看起來很奇怪; 它是 ; 讓我們相信央行行長,他們將我們的最大利益放在心上。
No amount of FUD busting changes that impression, because nobody holds uninformed and fringe convictions for rational reasons, reasons that can be flipped by your enthusiastic arguments in-between wiping off cranberry sauce and grabbing another turkey slice.It really is bad form to talk about money — and bitcoin is the best money there is. Be classy.

Now, I’m not saying to never ever talk about Bitcoin. We love to talk Bitcoin — that’s why we go to meetups, join Twitter Spaces, write, code, run nodes, listen to podcasts, attend conferences. People there 獲得 關於這場貨幣叛亂的一些事情,並選擇加入其中。 您毫無戒心的家人沒有; 用多重簽名的奇蹟、神奇的快速閃電交易或他們如何 需要像昨天一樣登上這個炒作列車,不太可能順利進行。

但是,如果在門廊上的晚飯後平靜中,有人一對一地來找你,手裡拿著威士忌並且好奇,那就是一個非常不同的故事。 那是私人的而不是公開的,而且沒有通常困擾我們的時間限制。 它涉及為既對主題表現出好奇又願意參加談話的人澄清問題或疑慮。 那是難得的——珍惜它,培育它。

去年我寫了一些關於 政治的適當作用 社交場合中的對話。 由於 XNUMX 月也是選舉月,這裡引用一下:

“政治,我開始相信,最好藏在衣櫥裡——為特定場合重新命名和展示。 或者可能是臥室,與您最信任、喜愛和尊重的人在一起。 不要在公共場合,不要與陌生人,不要與朋友,更不要與你社區中的其他人。 盡可能地從你的存在中清除它,並拒絕讓政治問題侵入我們珍視的生活領域; 政治和政治分歧不屬於那裡,我們的生活太重要了,不能讓它們被(主要是人為的)政治分歧所支配。”

If anything, those words seem more true today than they even did then. And I posit to you that the same applies for bitcoin.

Everyone has some sort of impression or opinion of bitcoin — and most of them are plain wrong. But there’s nothing people love more than a savior in white armor, riding in to dispel their errors about some thing they are freshly out of fucks for. Just like politics, nobody really cares.

Leave them alone. They will find bitcoin in their own time, just like all of us did.

這是 Joakim Book 的客座帖子。 所表達的意見完全是他們自己的,不一定反映 BTC Inc. 或 Bitcoin 雜誌.

原始來源: Bitcoin 雜誌