CoinChartist (VIP) 簡介:專家加密見解、定制技術工具、NFT 等

By Bitcoinist - 10 個月前 - 閱讀時間:4 分鐘

CoinChartist (VIP) 簡介:專家加密見解、定制技術工具、NFT 等

在始終在線且積極變化的加密貨幣市場中,保持領先地位對於成功至關重要。 對於那些尋求在加密貨幣交易中獲得優勢的人來說,別無所求 CoinChartist (VIP) 高級子堆棧通訊 和新推出的 CoinChartist (VIP) 硬幣收藏.

獲得無與倫比的加密貨幣市場洞察力和 TradingView 指標

CoinChartist (VIP) 高級通訊,托尼“公牛”的創意和, 是終極的加密貨幣交易和投資工具,可將優質的加密貨幣市場見解直接發送到您的收件箱。 

Tony “The Bull” 是一位訓練有素的技術分析師和 3 級 CMT 候選人, 信任 整個加密貨幣行業。 這份每週通訊獨家融合了全球市場分析、最新趨勢、專家指導、業內人士訪談等內容,使訂閱者能夠戰勝加密市場的波動。

此外,CoinChartist (VIP) 提供對三個獨家 TradingView 專為加密貨幣交易設計的技術指標:

Bitcoin 舷窗

Bitcoin Bullseye is a trend-following tool based on various sets of exponential moving averages. It is specifically designed for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, and it signals potential tops or bottoms in the market.


趨勢牧馬人基於 200 天移動平均線,旨在適用於所有時間框架,突出趨勢的方向。 建議用戶隱藏價格圖表以消除噪音,只關注 Trend Wrangler,幫助他們更好地把握趨勢並利用長期價格變動 。


This is a powerful momentum-measuring tool based on the 相對強弱指標. It is designed to work best with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, signaling when these assets are in a “raging bull” market. With the Raging Bull Indicator, traders can ride the wave of a raging bull market and capitalize on explosive price movements​​.

所有這些高級技術指標旨在為認真的交易者和投資者提供加密貨幣市場的優勢。 但是,請注意,不能保證未來的表現。

獲得獨家 CoinChartist (VIP) 硬幣 NFT 並成為創始成員

但這還不是全部。 CoinChartist (VIP) 高級通訊更進一步,提供 (VIP)創始會員計劃,解鎖無與倫比的價值和聲望。 這一獨家計劃為會員提供高級報告、與托尼“公牛”的個性化一對一技術分析培訓課程,甚至是收藏家的夢想——(VIP) 硬幣 NFT。

CoinChartist (VIP) 硬幣 NFT 將加密交易的樂趣與 NFT 的新穎性以及獨特的實用性和價值相結合。 這些獨特的數字資產作為 CoinChartist (VIP) 創始會員的正式會員代幣,現存僅 21 枚。 匿名創建者擁有 1 人中的 21 人,僅留下 20 人給創始成員。 CoinChartist (VIP) 硬幣不僅僅是收藏品; 這是通往專屬福利世界的鑰匙。 查看完整系列 OpenSea 閲讀更多的細節。

NFT 為效用提供了什麼?

擁有一個 CoinChartist (VIP) 硬幣 NFT 授予終生訪問權限 (VIP)創會會員 好處例如:

Access to a secret VIP Telegram channel with Tony “The Bull”. One-on-one technical analysis and crypto trading training sessions with Tony (90 minutes, every 90 days). Premium CoinChartist (VIP) TradingView technical indicators. A weekly market report from Tony “The Bull”​.

另外,你擁有硬幣。 這意味著如果實用程序未提供您預期的價值,您可以在 OpenSea 上出售它。 

註冊 CoinChartist (VIP) 並獲得加密 VIP 待遇

無論您是經驗豐富的交易員還是加密愛好者, CoinChartist (VIP) 專為您量身定制,提供業內無與倫比的一系列優質福利。 不要錯過這個獲得獨家見解和工具的機會,它們可以讓您在動態的加密世界中佔據優勢。

訂閱 to the premium newsletter and be a part of the future with the CoinChartist (VIP) Coin NFTs. For a limited time only, Bitcoinist users will get 10% off the annual plan.

Get a free preview of CoinChartist (VIP) here:

Q: What is CoinChartist (VIP)? A: CoinChartist (VIP) is the ultimate crypto-focused technical analysis experience tailored for enthusiasts and professionals alike. It offers a premium suite of benefits, including a weekly newsletter report covering Bitcoin, altcoins, macro trends, and more. As a (貴賓), you gain access to exclusive insights and tools that are unrivaled in the industry. Q: What do paid subscribers get? A: As a paid subscriber, you unlock a treasure trove of knowledge. You receive full access to a premium weekly newsletter, delivered straight to your inbox or accessible at But that’s not all! Paid subscribers also gain the privilege of using Tony’s custom technical indicators on the renowned TradingView platform. Equip yourself with the right tools to navigate the dynamic crypto market and make well-informed trading decisions. Q: How can I access the custom TradingView technical indicators? A: Accessing Tony’s custom TradingView technical indicators is now easier than ever. Simply fill out a convenient form, and your TradingView account will be granted access. Once logged in, navigate to the Invite-only scripts section within TradingView, where you’ll find the exclusive indicators designed specifically for (VIP) members. Q: What do Founding Members get? A: (VIP) 創始成員 receive VIP treatment.

創始貴賓 通過 創始成員(VIP)電報 社區。 參與激動人心的討論,提出問題,並從 Tony 和創始成員社區獲得直接反饋。

此外,創始成員獲得 每 90 天一次 90 分鐘的技術分析培訓課程 以不斷提高他們的專業知識。

Q: What are Founding Member (VIP) Coin NFTs? A: 在有限的時間內 the first 20 Founding Members have the opportunity to choose a (VIP) 硬幣 NFT from our curated collection. Owning an NFT grants lifetime access to the Founding Member program, showcasing your VIP status as an avatar or profile picture. Plus, should you decide to part ways with the program, you have the option to sell the NFT on OpenSea.

原始來源: Bitcoin是