媒體巨頭美聯社選擇 Polygon (MATIC) 作為新的 NFT 市場

作者:The Daily Hodl - 2 年前 - 閱讀時間:2 分鐘

媒體巨頭美聯社選擇 Polygon (MATIC) 作為新的 NFT 市場

非營利性通訊社美聯社 (AP) 是最新一家對不可替代代幣 (NFT) 表現出興趣的傳統機構。

美聯社 that it is unveiling an NFT marketplace that will feature images that the news agency’s photographers have captured for nearly two centuries.

第一批 AP NFT 將於本月晚些時候發布,初始系列將在幾週內發布。

“市場和首批 NFT 將於 31 月 XNUMX 日星期一首次亮相。



The subjects covered by the photos to be made available as NFTs will 包括 Pulitzer Prize-winning photographs on a range of topics, from war to climate to space.

NFT 將在 Polygon 區塊鏈上鑄造,這是一種第 2 層擴展解決方案,旨在提供更快、更便宜的交易。

據美聯社稱,出售 NFT 的收益將用於資助“真實、公正的美聯社新聞報導”。

Prices of the various NFTs that will be made available will vary and buyers will be able to pay using mainstream means as well as with cryptocurrencies. The AP says that the supported wallets will include MetaMask and Fortmatic while support for crypto exchanges Binance and Coinbase will come later.

“It will support secondary market transactions and purchases using credit card payments as well as crypto wallets, including MetaMask, with support for Fortmatic, Binance, and Coinbase to come.”

美聯社在該計劃中的 NFT 合作夥伴和技術提供商是區塊鏈技術公司 Xooa。

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該職位 媒體巨頭美聯社選擇 Polygon (MATIC) 作為新的 NFT 市場 最早出現 每日霍德.

原始來源: 每日霍德