尼日利亞和 Binance 為區塊鏈項目打造區塊鏈樞紐城市

By CryptoNews - 1 年前 - 閱讀時間:1 分鐘

尼日利亞和 Binance 為區塊鏈項目打造區塊鏈樞紐城市

NEPZA, the Nigerian government agency in charge of export processing zones, announced on Saturday that it is in talks with cryptocurrency exchange Binance to establish a "virtual free zone" dedicated to blockchain technology and the digital economy. 
The National Economic and Production Zones Authority (NEPZA) hopes that the end outcome will be comparable to Dubai's online free zone. ...
Read More: Nigeria and Binance 為區塊鏈項目打造區塊鏈樞紐城市

原始來源: CryptoNews