100,000 名加密貨幣交易者的隱私受到損害,因為交易機器人公司在趙長鵬發出警告後確認被黑客入侵

作者 The Daily Hodl - 1 年前 - 閱讀時間:2 分鐘

100,000 名加密貨幣交易者的隱私受到損害,因為交易機器人公司在趙長鵬發出警告後確認被黑客入侵

加密貨幣交易機器人 3Commas is confirming allegations that its platform has been compromised and user data was leaked.

3Commas CEO Yuriy Sorokin 肯定 the security breach, saying that API (application program interface) keys have been stolen after the chief executive of Binance, 趙長鵬, 警告 投資者了解情況。

“We saw the hacker’s message and can confirm that the data in the files is true. As an immediate action, we have asked that Binance, Kucoin, and other supported exchanges revoke all the keys that were connected to 3Commas“

上週,鏈上研究員 ZachXBT he received a message from an anonymous Twitter user who claims to have over 100,000 API keys of 3Commas 用戶。

“Six hours ago an account messaged me and sent over a [database] with API keys of 3Commas users. I began working to verify its validity and quickly shared the info with exchanges. It seems they will be publishing the full database of 3Commas users soon.”

In November, claims on social media were circulating that the firm’s employees were stealing the API keys. At the time, 3Commas 發了一個 聲明 說不良行為者一直在使用篡改的證據進行虛假指控。

“We’re now seeing individuals on Twitter and YouTube circulating fake screenshots of Cloudflare logs in an attempt to convince people that there was a vulnerability within 3Commas and that we were irresponsible enough to allow open access to user data and log files.”

Sorokin goes on to address the allegations that 3Commas employees are behind the leak.

“我們盡一切努力調查內部工作,因為它始終是一種可能的情況,並且在我們的觀察名單上,但沒有找到內部工作的證據。 只有少數技術員工可以訪問基礎設施,我們自 19 月 XNUMX 日起已採取行動取消他們的訪問權限。”



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特色圖片:Shutterstock/jovan vitanovski/Sensvector

該職位 100,000 名加密貨幣交易者的隱私受到損害,因為交易機器人公司在趙長鵬發出警告後確認被黑客入侵 最早出現 每日霍德.

原始來源: 每日霍德