親Bitcoin 隨著立法會議的結束,今年德克薩斯州的立法取得了勝利

By Bitcoin 雜誌 - 11 個月前 - 閱讀時間:2 分鐘

親Bitcoin 隨著立法會議的結束,今年德克薩斯州的立法取得了勝利

Bitcoin policy advocates celebrated several victories in the recent quarter, including the success of Texas SB 1929, a pro-mining bill, and the defeat of Texas SB 1751, an anti-mining bill. VP of Research at Riot Platforms Pierre Rochard 表示感謝 to everyone involved, stating, "Texas will continue to be #Bitcoin country!"

These legislative outcomes will contribute to the growth and stability of Bitcoin mining operations in Texas. As Brian Morgenstern, head of public policy at Riot Platforms 報導, SB 1751 did not pass, ensuring the continuation of the state's usage of Bitcoin miners’ flexibility in balancing and stabilizing the power grid.

In contrast, SB 1929 successfully passed, establishing a registration process for Bitcoin miners to share information with ERCOT, enhancing transparency and grid reliability. Additionally, HB 591 was approved, providing a tax incentive for utilizing gas that would otherwise be flared into the atmosphere for on-site Bitcoin mining, promoting emissions reduction.

另一個重大發展是 HB 1666 的通過,該法案引入了儲備證明製度,使德克薩斯州成為在數字資產生態系統中建立信心的領導者。 根據 Morgenstern 的說法,這些立法成就反映了各種利益相關者和行業參與者的共同努力,包括 Riot Platforms、德克薩斯區塊鏈委員會和數字商會。

In addition to these developments, public miner stocks also surged on the news that the U.S. debt ceiling deal may be finalized soon, and that it does not include President Joe Biden’s 建議徵收 30% 稅 on energy used for Bitcoin 礦業。

While these successes mark important milestones, advocates acknowledge that their work is far from over. But the Bitcoin community remains optimistic about the future and the continued growth of the industry, with the positive outcomes achieved in Texas during this legislative session setting a favorable precedent for Bitcoin-related policies and innovation in the United States.

原始來源: Bitcoin 雜誌