Ripple 隨著 SEC 推遲審理,XRP 訴訟面臨「最壞情況」:加密貨幣法律專家

作者:The Daily Hodl - 2 年前 - 閱讀時間:2 分鐘

Ripple 隨著 SEC 推遲審理,XRP 訴訟面臨「最壞情況」:加密貨幣法律專家

Attorney and crypto legal expert Jeremy Hogan says that the lawsuit between Ripple Labs and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) may have entered into its worst-case scenario.

律師 告訴 他向 205,000 名 Twitter 粉絲表示,美國證券交易委員會要求再次推遲開庭時間,這可能會將案件推遲到明年。


Ripple case is going into 2023.

我從來沒有見過原告這麼想拖延案件。 只有被告(通常)會拖延。 為什麼要提起訴訟,然後推遲尋求正義呢?”

霍根 對比 the SEC’s lawsuit against Ripple to its suit against decentralized video-hosting platform LBRY, noting the discrepancy between when they were filed and when they are slated to finish.

“In contrast, look at the SEC v. LBRY case schedule. The lawsuit was filed three months after the Ripple lawsuit and will finish six months sooner.

關於的一切 Ripple case is strangely backwards.”

James K. Filan 是一位密切關注 XRP 訴訟的律師, 披露 那兩個 Ripple and the SEC filed jointly to push back opening briefs for summary judgment and expert challenges to August and closing briefs to a few days before Christmas.

菲蘭 that agreeing to the delay may have been a smart move by Ripple Labs to finally lock in a deadline.

「很多人都在質疑為什麼 Ripple agreed to this schedule. My gut feeling is that there was a trade-off. A longer briefing schedule but the elimination of the pre-motion Rule 56 practice. If Ripple 不同意,會有更多的日程安排糾紛,我估計會佔用更多的時間 Ripple would have lost that battle if the past is any guide. Then the motion schedule would have gone well into 2023. In my opinion, this was a very smart move by Ripple 鎖定這個時間表。”

格紋 價格行動

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特色圖片:Shutterstock/Jorm S

該職位 Ripple 隨著 SEC 推遲審理,XRP 訴訟面臨「最壞情況」:加密貨幣法律專家 最早出現 每日霍德.

原始來源: 每日霍德