Ripple Partners With Central Bank Digital Currency Think Tank

作者:The Daily Hodl - 2 年前 - 閱讀時間:2 分鐘

Ripple Partners With Central Bank Digital Currency Think Tank

Ripple has partnered with the Digital Euro Association (DEA) to jointly work on central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

DEA 總部位於德國法蘭克福,是一家專注於 CBDC、穩定幣、加密資產和其他形式數位貨幣的智庫。

該組織旨在透過研究影響 CBDC 和加密相關政策,並為政策制定者、技術專家和經濟學家提供討論數位資產的平台。

在一個新的 公告,它描述了 Ripple as a leader in its field but doesn’t give exact details as to what the partnership will entail.

“Ripple, one of the leading providers of enterprise blockchain and crypto solutions for cross-border payments, has recently developed a blockchain-based infrastructure to support CBDCs and is engaged with Bhutan’s central bank, amongst others, to help execute their CBDC pilot.

Ripple is also a member of the Digital Pound Foundation and continues to extend its efforts around CBDCs worldwide. The DEA partnership with Ripple includes, amongst others, joint educational efforts around digital currencies and knowledge exchange.”

DEA 主席 Jonas Gross 表示,

“We are thrilled that, due to the partnership with Ripple, we can extend the technological expertise of the DEA community. As more and more CBDC projects worldwide reach advanced stages, technological design of a CBDC will play a key role for policy-makers in the near future, while previous years focused primarily on research.”

Ripple 還 解決 該合作夥伴關係在發給粉絲的推文中表示,這是其在全球範圍內提供 CBDC 相關解決方案的總體目標的一部分。

「我們很高興加入數位歐元協會作為支持合作夥伴,進一步發展我們與 CBDC 的合作!

這是我們更大目標的一部分,即透過我們的區塊鏈和加密專業知識為 CBDC 和穩定幣開發和提供全球解決方案。”

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特色圖片:Shutterstock/prodigital art/Tun_Thanakorn

該職位 Ripple Partners With Central Bank Digital Currency Think Tank 最早出現 每日霍德.

原始來源: 每日霍德