三星通過 NFT 徽章和劇院在 Decentraland Metaverse 中展示虛擬商店 837X

By Bitcoin.com - 2 年前 - 閱讀時間: 2 分鐘

三星通過 NFT 徽章和劇院在 Decentraland Metaverse 中展示虛擬商店 837X

在電子巨頭三星透露該公司即將於 2022 年推出的智慧電視將支援不可替代代幣 (NFT) 後,該公司透露已在 Decentraland 元宇宙內開設了一家虛擬商店。 以實體店三星837為藍本,三星的元宇宙商店稱為「三星837X」。


Samsung is all about the metaverse and NFTs these days, as the company has opened a store within the blockchain virtual metaverse Decentraland. The Samsung 837X store is modeled from the physical location in New York City, and the virtual store will be open to Decentraland visitors for a limited time.

「三星的新元宇宙體驗以其作為體驗遊樂場的精神,讓人們在技術和文化碰撞時發現驚人的可能性,」這家電子製造商的公告解釋道。 該公司進一步詳細說明,參觀者將能夠體驗連接劇院、永續森林和客製化舞台。

三星 NFT 徽章和元界混合現實現場舞會

據三星稱,穿過劇院和森林的粉絲可以「沿途完成任務,獲得 837X 不可替代代幣 (NFT) 徽章」。 劇院將播放三星新聞,舞台上將舉辦由 DJ Gamma Vibes 主持的「元宇宙混合實境現場舞會」。

“At Samsung 837X, we’re excited to tell our connectivity, sustainability and customization stories in a novel way, in a one-of-a-kind space,” Michelle Crossan-Matos the senior vice president of corporate marketing and communications at Samsung Electronics America said in a 聲明. Crossan-Matos added:

The metaverse empowers us to transcend physical and spatial limits to create unique virtual experiences that could not happen otherwise. Innovation is in our DNA, and we can’t wait for you all to experience this burgeoning virtual world.

Meanwhile, metaverse tokens stemming from projects like Decentraland and The Sandbox have seen decent gains in recent weeks. Decentraland (MANA), the native token for the blockchain metaverse has gained 2,304% year-to-date. Both projects have seen 顯著 土地銷售 in recent times as well as metaverse lands have been selling for a great deal of money.

Samsung’s newly launched 837X store follows the firm 宣布 that its upcoming smart TVs will boast NFT support. Samsung’s 2022 Smart TVs will come with a new Smart Hub that features a “Gaming Hub,” “Watch All,” and an “NFT Platform.” Samsung has been into 塊鏈技術 for a few years now and has also added crypto wallet support to the firm’s Galaxy smartphones.

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原始來源: Bitcoin.COM