三星將生產可供電的芯片 Bitcoin 挖礦——這會為加密貨幣注入活力嗎?

By Bitcoinist - 1 年前 - 閱讀時間:3 分鐘

三星將生產可供電的芯片 Bitcoin 挖礦——這會為加密貨幣注入活力嗎?

三星 New3sroom 週四透露,三星開始涉足 3 奈米代工處理器製造領域,據報道,這家韓國公司將於本週開始生產基於 Gate-All-Around 的晶片組。

The electronics juggernaut is making rapid progress toward finishing the creation of chipsets that could assist the mining of Bitcoin. The company alluded to the new initiative during the first quarter earnings call of 2022.

推薦閱讀 | 朝鮮黑客涉嫌實施 100 億美元的 Harmony 攻擊

3-Nanometer Chips Can Ease Bitcoin Mining Pain Points

Samsung’s capacity to produce 3-nanometer processors is likely to alleviate some Bitcoin mining difficulties.



FinFET(鰭狀場效電晶體)僅使用三個表面而不是四個表面,是迄今為止商業上最成功的技術。 據報道,該公司的最新改進允許更窄的大門和更精確的現行監管。

三奈米晶片組更強大、更有效率。 來源:Wccftech

Siyoung Choi 博士,總裁兼負責人 三星電子的代工業務說:

「隨著我們不斷展示在將下一代技術應用於製造方面的領先地位,三星實現了快速發展……我們的目標是透過世界上第一個採用MBCFET 的3 奈米製程來繼續保持這種領先地位。 」

The largest company in South Korea, will reportedly begin trial fabrication of three nanometer (3nm) chips for application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) — the most efficient equipment for bitcoin mining – this week.



Reports also have it that Samsung’s first client is the Chinese ASIC manufacturer PanSemi, which designs ASICs used for bitcoin 礦業。


日線圖上 BTC 總市值為 374 億美元 | 天天要聞資源: TradingView.com

推薦閱讀 | 三箭資本因法院下令清算而陷入困境

Chipsets Seen To Play Crucial Role In Bitcoin 採礦

These chipsets are anticipated to play a vital role in Bitcoin mining, resulting in intense competition among industry leaders to produce novel technologies.

Blockscale is the name of a new bitcoin mining processor that Intel has introduced. Intel added that the chip can produce more energy and efficiency at SHA-256 hashing.


三星新聞室引述西門子數位工業軟體公司 IC-EDA 部門執行副總裁 Joe Sawicki 的話說:

“西門子很高興與三星合作,幫助確保我們現有的軟體平台自初始開發階段起也適用於三星的新 3 奈米製程節點。”

精選圖片來自三星新聞編輯室,圖表來自 TradingView.com

原始來源: Bitcoin是