
By Bitcoin.com - 2 年前 - 閱讀時間: 3 分鐘


克里姆林宮決定入侵烏克蘭後,隨著制裁如雨般降臨到俄羅斯,媒體通報制裁不太可能限制該國獲得加密資產。 雖然俄羅斯精英可能會利用它們來規避限制,但普通俄羅斯人也可能繼續在外國平台上交易數位貨幣。


U.S. and EU sanctions, imposed in response to Moscow’s military assault on Ukraine, are threatening the ability of Russia, and its elites, to do businesses in dollars and euros. However, as the country has recently chosen a path towards 調節 cryptocurrencies, the penalties might carry less weight, Bloomberg noted in a report.

Digital currencies such as bitcoin, often traded on decentralized platforms, could become an effective instrument to circumvent the restrictions. According to Matthew Sigel who heads digital assets research at investment manager Vaneck, “neither dictators nor human rights activists will encounter any censor on the Bitcoin 網絡。”

文章指出,已經成為目標的俄羅斯億萬富翁可能會利用加密貨幣來逃避制裁。 透過匿名交易,數位硬幣可以為他們提供購買商品和服務,甚至投資俄羅斯聯邦境外資產並避開銀行的機會。 金融諮詢公司量子經濟執行長馬蒂‧格林斯潘表示:

If a wealthy individual is concerned that their accounts may be frozen due to sanctions, they can simply hold their wealth in Bitcoin in order to be protected from such actions.

Besides the option to spend and send coins directly, crypto holders can also transfer funds through multiple wallets and use exchanges based in jurisdictions that are not backing the restrictions. The same applies to businesses in sanctioned nations. For example, Iran has been 考慮到 allowing the use of cryptocurrencies in international settlements for similar reasons.


擬議的措施之一是切斷俄羅斯與全球銀行同業支付系統 Swift 的聯繫。 Amarkets 分析部門負責人 Artem Deev 表示,此舉不太可能影響個人加密貨幣用戶。 他在 RBC Crypto 的評論中表示,俄羅斯的監管決定將產生更大的影響。

在另一份報導中,該新聞媒體引述一家國際加密貨幣交易所的一位未透露姓名的代表的話稱,由於對俄羅斯的製裁收緊,數位資產交易平台不太可能對其俄羅斯用戶施加限制。 消息來源詳細說明:


Advocate Premium 律師事務所律師 Tatiana Kosykh 補充道:“加密貨幣交易所是去中心化組織,因此不符合美國和歐盟的製裁要求。”

Meanwhile, representatives of Currency.com, the crypto exchange founded by Belarusian tech entrepreneur Viktor Prokopenya, told RBC that the platform does not plan to ban customers from Russia or other countries, despite the current conflict in 烏克蘭. They believe that most other exchanges, except those based in the U.S., will follow the same route.

您認為在俄羅斯軍事入侵烏克蘭後,俄羅斯及其公民是否會繼續進入全球加密貨幣市場? 在下面的評論部分分享您的期望。

原始來源: Bitcoin.COM