聖誕老人很早就出現在加密貨幣中? Bitcoin 集會可能已經過去

作者 NewsBTC - 1 年前 - 閱讀時間:2 分鐘

聖誕老人很早就出現在加密貨幣中? Bitcoin 集會可能已經過去

Bitcoin saw positive price action recently but failed to follow through and could remain rangebound for December. The cryptocurrency rose from a new yearly low at $15,500, and market participants were expecting further profits, but the market has stalled. 

在撰寫本文時, Bitcoin is moving between $16,900 and $17,100. The cryptocurrency still maintains profits from its previous week, but today’s trading session has leaned towards the downside. 

BTC 的價格在日線圖上橫盤整理。 資源: BTCUSDT交易視圖

No Christmas Miracle For Bitcoin?

在最近的市場更新中,交易台 QCP Capital 突出 the positive performance of Bitcoin and Ethereum in December. These digital assets have been closely following the trajectory of the stock market.  

該公司認為,在美國聯邦儲備委員會 (Fed) 可能轉向的支持下,股市一直表現強勁。 該金融機構暗示將放寬貨幣政策並減少加息計劃。 

This potential change triggered “strong” bullish momentum for the stock market, allowing Bitcoin and Ethereum to rise 13% and 22% in the past two weeks. Despite the collapse of FTX in November and the fear of contagion, its value is almost back to October levels. 

在此背景下,市場參與者迅速呼籲熊市結束,但啟匯資本稱有理由維持看跌傾向。 例如,美國強勁的經濟數據可能會支持美聯儲繼續其緊縮政策。 

QCP Capital 就傳統金融市場的當前價格走勢及其對加密貨幣市場的影響發表了以下聲明:

雖然許多人說 BTC 和 ETH 落後於股票,應該迎頭趕上,但我們認為這是股票的基本面過高,很快就會回落。

Thus, the possibilities of the stock market pushing down on Bitcoin and Ethereum are high. There are indications of possible downside pressure for stocks, crypto, and risk on assets. 

分析師 Caleb Franzen 指出了 VIX 指數; 用於衡量傳統金融市場波動性的指標. 該指標為 2022 年的風險資產購買者提供了可靠的策略。分析師表示: 

CBOE 市場波動率指數#VIX 上週跌破 20,但今天已經走高! 正如我自 2022 月以來分享的那樣,XNUMX 年的首要戰略是:

• 當 $VIX > 30 時買入風險資產

• 當 $VIX < 20 時賣出風險資產

Regardless of the bullish expectations, the crypto market might see more selling pressure in the coming weeks. This month’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) will shed more light on the direction of the macroeconomic landscape and the landscape for risk-on assets, such as Bitcoin. 

原始來源: NewsBTC