金融潮流的轉變:ARK Invest 建議 19.4% Bitcoin 最佳回報分配計劃

By Bitcoinist - 3 個月前 - 閱讀時間:3 分鐘

金融潮流的轉變:ARK Invest 建議 19.4% Bitcoin 最佳回報分配計劃

In their latest annual research report titled ‘Big Ideas 2024,’ ARK Invest, a renowned investment management firm, has put forth a compelling case for including Bitcoin in institutional portfolios. Drawing upon an extensive analysis of the crypto’s performance, the report recommends a significant allocation of “19.4%” to Bitcoin.

This figure is not arbitrary but is underpinned by a thorough evaluation of Bitcoin’s historical performance compared to major traditional investment assets.

ARK Invest Dive Into Bitcoin’s Long-Term Success and Value

Over seven years, Bitcoin has demonstrated an annualized return of 44%, starkly outperforming other major assets, which averaged a mere 5.7%, according to the investment management firm

ARK Invest’s report further delves into the nuances of Bitcoin“ 投資潛力, highlighting its performance since its inception. This includes a closer look at its track record over the past three years, marked by significant technological advancements and increased mainstream acceptance.

The report underscores investors with a 長遠的眼光 have been the greatest beneficiaries of BTC’s growth despite its ‘notorious’ short-term volatility. According to ARK, the critical question for investors should be not about the timing of their investment in BTC but rather the duration for which they hold it.

Ark’s compiled historical data reveals that a holding period of at least five years has invariably led to profits, regardless of the purchase timing. The Investment management firm noted:

Instead of ‘when,’ the better question is ‘for how long?’ Historically, investors who bought and held bitcoin for at least 5 years have profited, no matter when they made their purchases.

ARK 的報告也不僅僅是投資建議。考慮到全球可投資資產價值 250 兆美元,它假設了全球機構投資 BTC 的潛在影響。

從這個資金池中對 BTC 進行適度投資的影響非常有趣。例如,根據 Ark Invest 的數據,如果全球資產中只有 1% 分配給 BTC,其價格可能會飆升至 120,000 萬美元。

更進一步,如果機構按照 ARK 建議的 19.4% 分配,BTC 的估值可能達到每 BTC 約 2.3 萬美元。這項重大分配建議反映了與過去幾年相比的重大轉變。

ARK’s analysis further indicates that “optimal Bitcoin allocation” has increased since 2015. Initially, a mere 0.5% allocation was deemed ideal for maximizing risk-adjusted returns over a five-year horizon. This figure has progressively increased, averaging 4.8% over time and peaking at 19.4% in 2023 alone.

Bitcoin’s Current State: Recovery Signs Amid Market Volatility

同時,BTC 的價值明顯低於這些假設數字,交易價格高於 42,000 美元。然而,其近期表現顯示出復甦軌跡,繼上周大幅下跌後,上週上漲 6.1%。

This resurgence aligns with Glassnode’s data, which points to a rise in stablecoin supply,增強他們的 購買力 to acquire BTC.


正如我們上週所看到的,隨著穩定幣的輪換進入 #Bitcoin,這使得 BTC 突破了 42k。

穩定幣供應量目前較低點上漲了 10B,在過去 3.5 天內上漲了 30%。 https://t.co/QIq2sEA9yg pic.twitter.com/YFcSzZhan8

— 詹姆斯·範·斯特拉滕 (@jvs_btc) 2024 年 1 月 31 日

特色圖片來自 Unsplash,圖表來自 TradingView

原始來源: Bitcoin是