Bitcoin 羅夏墨跡測試

By Bitcoin 雜誌 - 2 年前 - 閱讀時間:9 分鐘

Bitcoin 羅夏墨跡測試

Bitcoin 作為一個想法,可以像羅夏測驗一樣被認為是對它所呈現的特定背景的解釋。

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We would like to think of ourselves as masters of technology. We are the craftsmen, practitioners and creators. This assumption underpins many of our accepted models for understanding history. It’s a comforting way to view the world, with humanity and its heroes as the authors of our destiny. What is a far more uncomfortable truth is that technology equally creates and influences us, and molds the collective behavior that we call culture.

The invention of agriculture made the town the primary social unit, while the mass production of the automobile created cultures of independent holiday makers, commuters and suburbs. Every time Spotify autoplays a new song, when you visit a new restaurant based on its Yelp rating, Tinder’s algorithm displays or does not display you a potential date or a QR code allows health agencies to track and mandate the movements of individuals in a pandemic, technology is influencing culture.

我們對技術的選擇——我們使用的電器、我們駕駛的汽車、我們選擇的操作系統以及我們參與討論的社交媒體平台,它們通過強調什麼和阻礙什麼來塑造我們的生活,定義了我們的行動範圍可接受或禁止。 技術不僅是人類如何按照自己的形象塑造世界,而且在構建和定義可能和鼓勵的行動範圍時,技術還塑造了誰 we 成為。

Producing paper is vastly more efficient than producing parchment, which requires around 200 animal hides to create a single book. 來源1, 來源2

The Qur’an says that good Muslims should seek knowledge, and as a consequence, mathematics, science and engineering flourished in Eastern antiquity. Cultural attitudes led to the invention of paper, which allowed information to be recorded far more efficiently and easily than with papyrus or parchment, which was the popular medium in Europe, where many kings remained illiterate up to the thirteenth century. Our choice of technologies is prescriptive of our character, how others perceive us, and ultimately our destinies.

Yet however potent a technology may be, it ultimately requires a user to be motivated to activate it, to switch it on, to use it, and that user will use it in the manner that they see as most aligned with their beliefs, their will and their intention, and how they see themselves reflected in it. In this sense all technologies are first and foremost tools for individual self-actualization, expression and exploration, a window or framework to understand who we are.

Hermann Rorschach was a Swiss psychologist born in 1884, Zurich, Switzerland. Known to his school friends as “Klex,” due to his enjoyment of klecksography, a child’s game making elaborate pictures from inkblots. As a young adult, he was torn between following his father into the arts or a career in science. He eventually settled on medical school where he majored in psychology.

During his studies, he came across the work of psychiatrist Szyman Hens who had experimented with using inkblots to study the fantasies of his patients. Rorschach saw the opportunity to combine his interest in the arts and the emerging field of psychoanalysis.

After much research and experimentation, he settled on a set of inkblots and a system for scoring the responses to them. He published what has come to be known as the Rorschach test in his 1921 book “Psychodiagnostik.”


The test itself is administered by presenting the subject with 10 cards in turn and asking them “what might this be?” It’s made clear that there are no right or wrong answers, the subject can pick up the card and view it from any position or orientation they desire, and they’re free to interpret the image however they want. The goal is for them to verbalize what the image suggests to them, with total freedom. Following this the examiner reads the subject’s responses back to them and asks the subject to clarify or elaborate where necessary, not to elicit further information but simply to ensure they have sufficiently accurate information to accurately score the test. The objective is to establish what is being perceived, where it is in the inkblot, and how particular inkblot features contribute to or help determine the response.

The subject’s responses are then used to determine a scoring on several metrics via a complex coding system. The scoring is not based primarily on what the individual says they see in the inkblot. In fact, the contents of the response are only a comparatively small portion of a broader set of data including response times, remarks and comments unrelated to the test, the originality or lack of originality of the responses, and the emotions, attitude, and frame of mind of the subject.

The Rorschach test takes a common stimulus and uses it as a context; the conscious and unconscious reactions of the subject towards that context are data points to better understand their mind.

前面我們詳細闡述了“事物”所提供的背景如何影響我們創造或表達的東西,我們選擇使用它的方式是一種自我探索的行為,即它反映了我們是誰以及我們將成為什麼。 羅夏同樣明白,通過使用一組固定圖像的背景,並記錄個人的想像力對每個圖像的反應而產生的截然不同的解釋,我們可以洞察一個人的思想,以及他們未來可能的行為方式。

人類的天性是我們情不自禁地將我們的想像力投射到一個事物上,而這些事物,無論是畫布上的墨跡、汽車還是計算機程序,都為這種想像力的表達提供了背景、框架和界限. 這種想像力和框架的結合決定了我們的行為方式,以及隨著時間的推移,我們將成為什麼樣的人——我們的命運。


自 Bitcoin的發明人們一直在爭論它到底是什麼——點對點支付系統、一種數字黃金、匿名數字現金、一種抗審查的價值傳輸方式、一種不可變的數據分類賬、第一個原始原型一種稱為區塊鏈的新計算技術,一種投機熱潮,龐氏騙局,勒索者、毒販、恐怖分子和戀童癖者的工具? 什麼 is Bitcoin?

From Satoshi’s whitepaper, to early discussion on the Bitcoin論壇cypherpunks mailing list,到 Laszlo Hanyecz 購買比薩餅,通過 Mt.Gox 和絲綢之路的戲劇,以及其他模仿者或新人的爆炸式“喜歡” bitcoin 但是對於 x”,對什麼的普遍看法 bitcoin 是及其含義自成立以來發生了變化。 今天,普遍的共識似乎是 bitcoin 是一種硬通貨,或數字黃金。 五年內,隨著第 2 層及更高層技術的擴散,​​如閃電(這使得一個實用的詞錨定在 Bitcoin 區塊鏈)很可能這種流行的共識將完全不同。

來源1, 來源2, 來源3, 來源4

事實上 Bitcoin 是所有這些東西,但它們都不是。 這只是代碼。 最終,必須有人運行該代碼,挖掘區塊,發送和驗證交易。 他們的集體行動決定了什麼 Bitcoin 是。 任何人都可以分叉開源代碼並決定提高或降低任何價值,這個或那個有效或無效,違約或違約,甚至增加供應或發行。 如果足夠多的用戶同意基於該代碼進行挖掘、驗證和交易,則此 is Bitcoin,至少通過盡可能客觀的措施。

更重要的是,用戶如何集體決定在這種混亂共識中允許的範圍內採取行動,這定義了什麼 Bitcoin 確實是,定義它對世界和我們生活的影響。 儘管代碼提供了一個不可腐蝕、可預測的真相來源,但在一個所有 bitcoin 它由大型銀行、政府和公司國庫持有,因此法律法規、政治現實、社會規範和合規文化要求普通人以允許的方式與其互動,就像傳統銀行系統一樣。 這將是一個完全不同的現實,而不是每個用戶都使用他們自己的完整節點作為事實來源,持有他們的硬幣的鑰匙,並根據其對隱私和自我主權的好處對他們運行的軟件做出明智的決定。 從這些行動和價值觀中產生的總體事態決定了什麼 Bitcoin 實際上,不是軟件或網絡,而是它對我們周圍世界的意義。

“Bitcoin” 網絡(大寫 B)和 “bitcoin” 資產或貨幣(小寫 b)實際上是兩個獨立的(儘管高度相關)的東西。 它們可以沒有彼此而存在。 例如,如果出現前所未有的全球互聯網中斷,網絡將停止,交易和區塊將停止廣播,但賬本本身將保持不變。 喜歡wise Bitcoin 對等網絡可以廣播消息並尋求創建連接計算機的全球網絡,而無需發生任何塊或交易。 存在第三個完全獨立的事物 Bitcoin 網絡或 bitcoin 貨幣, Bitcoin 這個想法.

Bitcoin 這個想法 就像羅夏測驗一樣,根據個人的經歷、個性和偏見、夢想和幻想對事物進行特定的解釋。 您影響賬本的能力受限於您的財務狀況除以市值 bitcoin; 您影響網絡本身的能力甚至更微不足道,這取決於您運行的軟件實施、您選擇的參數和您部署的基礎設施 — 全部 其中必須在很大程度上與網絡的大部分同步。 但你的影響力 Bitcoin 這個想法是您擁有最大的代理權的地方,可以回答 Bitcoin 羅夏測驗,單獨決定什麼 Bitcoin 這個想法 is, and what you will do with it.

如果沒有強大的軟件、哈希能力、構建網絡的業務、產品和服務, Bitcoin 這個想法只不過是一個 kumbaya 龐氏騙局,一個 30 多歲的頂級影響者會在 Instagram 上騙你。 同樣,如果不承認 Bitcoin 這個想法, bitcoin 該貨幣將沒有價值:將沒有哈希算力、沒有節點、沒有生態系統,並且今天保護它免受幾乎任何可以想像的攻擊媒介的經濟激勵措施將不存在。 儘管現在看起來不可思議,但請記住幾年 Bitcoin 以與今天大致相同的形式存在,幾乎所有我們今天所知道的技術和協議的價值主張都沒有價值,或者它被用來換取零錢。 不是技術本身增加了它的價值,而是對其輝煌的集體認可, Bitcoin 作為模因是導致存在的原因 任何 price, let alone the prices, ecosystem and the hash rate we have today.

No one can own a culture, they are the collective possession of its participants.

We are here because people see 他們自己 in Bitcoin; 他們將把自己的價值觀、希望、抱負,無論他們想要世界變成什麼樣子,投射到技術上,投射到 Bitcoin. 一種穩健的貨幣,一種賺取更多您選擇的法定貨幣或購買蘭博基尼的方式,一種購買毒品的方式,一種支付其他人的方式wise 被禁止或不可能的社交俱樂部,一種在互聯網上聽起來很聰明並給人們留下深刻印象的方式,一種有趣的技術,一種找到工作的方式,一種為他們的孩子提供儲備金的方式,一線希望在一個反烏托邦的世界裡。 沒關係, Bitcoin 是所有這些東西,沒有一個,重要的是它的用戶如何使用它。

Bitcoin 不是集中式服務,而是點對點網絡和由用戶控制的事態,儘管他們的觀點存在分歧。 任何人都可以下載,任何人都可以分叉軟件或貢獻代碼,沒有 CEO Bitcoin,它沒有官方網站或發言人。 Bitcoin 有更多的共同點 朋克搖滾音樂 or Rastafarianism, or Oaxacan tradition 而不是像 Spotify、Tinder 或政府機構或公司擁有的東西這樣的自上而下的集中實體。 沒有人制定規則 Bitcoin, 大家都這樣做。 Bitcoin 完全是其用戶社區的財產。 Bitcoin 是一種文化, Bitcoin 是一個模因。

“Birds of a feather flock together.”


人們盯著墨跡 Bitcoin 並按照他們的想像力向他們展示了什麼。 Bitcoin 本身只是成千上萬其他這些行為的集合wise- 參與網絡的無關個人,因為他們的想像力告訴他們這樣做對他們自己的目的有益。

Bitcoin 是活的技術,一種經濟上自給自足的文化,是所有用戶的總和,因為他們認為自己參與其中 Bitcoin. 沒有它們,它只是 GitHub 上的另一個 repo。

This is a guest post by CoinsureNZ. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC, Inc. or Bitcoin 雜誌.

原始來源: Bitcoin 雜誌