高效 HODLers 的習慣

By Bitcoin 雜誌 - 2 年前 - 閱讀時間:10 分鐘

高效 HODLers 的習慣

How can you maximize your bitcoin stack and the benefits you gain from it, while HODLing?

As the title suggests, I’ll go over what I believe makes a good Bitcoiner with the hope of persuading you that being a HODLer is actually an important job that entails certain responsibilities.


The philosophical prerequisites of the HODLer’s mindsetImpediments to adopting a personal bitcoin standardPractical takeaways


We have an important role as Bitcoiners to always be orange-pilling, but to do so in a way that’s constructive, and that means being sensitive to the reality that not everyone is ready to hear what we have to say.

We recognize that becoming a Bitcoiner often results from a set of philosophical underpinnings or dependencies. Someone lacking in one or more of these prerequisites will likely face obstacles along their journey that make adoption difficult. The fact that not yet everyone is onboard with bitcoin is testament to this difficulty.

There are other impediments to adoption beyond a mere conceptual understanding that can usually be traced to conflicts of interest. We believe in time these too will give way to a more free and open financial system based on voluntary cooperation. It’s our job to bring bitcoin to the world with the least number of casualties along the way and to remind people that bitcoin is available to everyone equally.

研究 bitcoin, I asked myself why some people aren’t profoundly astounded by it, or worse, feel an aversion to it at first glance. There are the usual FUD talking points that could scare you away if you don’t know any better, but this fud doesn’t seem to have a real effect on the HODLers. It soon became apparent that it is nearly impossible to have an appreciation for bitcoin if you don’t already see the shortcomings of the existing financial system.

It is the distinguishing qualities of bitcoin HODLers that prompted them to break allegiance from the old system and led them to demand a new one. Interestingly, the gold bugs warned us that the loss of sound money would eventually end in catastrophe. In a sense we owe it to them for sounding the alarm. However, the sound money narrative had to evolve beyond precious metals to reflect a digitally connected world.

淘金者、奧地利經濟學家和其他健全的貨幣倡導者越來越習慣於被悄悄地掃到公共話語的角落,因為他們傾向於批評主流經濟學。 對於普通人來說,阻力最小的途徑是接受法定係統,因為我們已經確信該系統已經掌握在良好的手中。 然而,那些尋求財務自主權、渴望邏輯完整性和重視儲蓄的人可能會發現在法定世界中做出的權衡是無法容忍的。

Let’s dig a little deeper to see what sets apart a true Bitcoiner from the rest of the pack. As I alluded to, Bitcoiners not always but generally tend to lean libertarian, even anarchist in some cases. There is a tension between the concepts of personal liberty and state-granted permission. Bitcoiners tend to be skeptical of propaganda and corporate media which points to a fundamental divide in where we personally derive our human rights. Are we endowed with unalienable human rights, or are we granted rights by the state so long as we’re in good standing with the various bureaus, branches, and departments?

Skepticism when wielded properly is not just aimed at the media out of spite or for the heck of it. Rather it is a tool for reasoning that applies to all areas of life. It is simply the default m.o. when encountering new information. A rational person applies a healthy degree of skepticism whether dealing with science, business, or politics. Along the same lines is a need for logical consistency. Bitcoiners demand intellectual honesty and accountability from both our peers and our critics.

Bitcoin tends to be popular among tinkerers, early adopters, and gamers. Bitcoiners are always trying to think two steps ahead, they’re good at reading between the lines, and analyzing the second and third order consequences.

Finally, to be a good HODLer one generally has to have a propensity to save money. That may go without saying, but it just can’t be over emphasized. In a world entirely founded on credit, bitcoin challenges the conventional advice around debt and borrowing.

There’s a common denominator that ties together many of these characteristics which is what bitcoin call 時間偏好低。 Put simply, it means they place little value on short-term gratification, opting instead to work toward long-term goals. To be fair, everyone has to put food on the table, so we can’t pretend it’s realistic to delay gratification forever, but what we can do is make decisions about what will satisfy us today and what is worth waiting for. Bitcoin takes saving to a whole new level. We suddenly realize our everyday decisions to spend and consume carry a lot of weight when judged against the opportunity cost of owning bitcoin。 常見的是 Bitcoiners to undergo profound behavioral changes in the interest of saving. It might seem an excess of savings would lead to issues when it comes to stimulating the economy and the velocity of money, however the inflation/deflation debate and the mandate of perpetual growth are subjects that remain to be fully hashed out.

由於這些原因 bitcoin tends to resonate strongly with people who are motivated by things like math, economics, and game theory. But not everyone is wired that way; in fact, many people are not. People are motivated by all sorts of things, not the least of which are food, shelter, and love. Bitcoiners wouldn’t have the luxury to opine on monetary sovereignty if their basic needs were not met, which sadly is not the reality of large groups of people in the world.

But assuming one has the bandwidth to begin to understand bitcoin, that’s still no guarantee they will see any value in it if it doesn’t quite scratch their itch. A mere lack of education is easily fixed, but they say it’s hard for a man to learn something if his job depends precisely on him not getting it.

It’s hard to see the benefits of bitcoin if you don’t already see the problems with centrally controlled currency. Not surprisingly people tend to feel safest knowing their dollars are in the bank and insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). What is interesting is that bitcoin HODLers feel the exact opposite — they view using custodians as more risky than not, and that’s what makes this topic so fascinating. Sure there will still be trusted third parties going forward, but the choice of whether to use custodians wasn’t a choice we had before bitcoin.

殘酷的事實是,受金融體系影響最大的人最難轉變,因為可以說他們因跳槽而損失最大。 法幣機器的持久性在很大程度上依賴於“Cantillon”類,他們被激勵將更多的奴才納入其職權範圍。 還有什麼比印鈔機本身更強大的說服工具呢?

這就是為什麼我們看到傑米戴蒙和雷達里奧等富有的銀行家和基金經理最反對的原因。 毫不奇怪,最可怕的言論來自中央銀行的高層。 中央銀行是超國家的實體,它們巧妙地將自己從幾乎所有的監督中抽離出來,因此 必須的, express a distaste for anything they don’t have a hand in. They then defend their position as the self-appointed arbiters of financial stability. The sentiments of central bankers toward bitcoin is rather telling of where their interest truly lies. Fortunately, bitcoin doesn’t need the approval of the immovable incumbents; their competitors in rising economies will adopt a bitcoin 標準, 逐漸然後突然 setting off a global fomo. One by one, they come to the light, or they go the way of the dinosaurs. In bitcoin we say everyone gets the price they deserve.

I can understand the conflicts of interest in a business sense. When you have a job to do, what you say at work doesn’t necessarily reflect your personal views. Okay. But I have less sympathy for people that resort to attacking bitcoin because they believe they’re too late to invest (save) and think if they can’t be the boss of it then it shouldn’t exist. This is quite clearly an issue of human ego. Indeed one has to learn to subjugate the ego to appreciate what bitcoin has to offer — which is at the same time freedom and solidarity.

Instead we end up in a situation of fiat nihilism where everyone wants to get in on the ground level of the next bitcoin. The irony is that altcoiners seem to live in a world where bitcoin can be taken for granted. Bitcoiners, on the other hand, are under no such pretense. They’re the ones on the frontlines making sure we succeed in making that world a reality. Altcoiners are only succeeding at bringing about the rise of fiat 2.0 which is anathema to the bitcoin ethos. Be wary of anyone who claims to support bitcoin and in the same breath tries to pitch you on their new token. It’s easy to tell if a bitcoiner has pure intentions because they’re the only ones without ulterior motives.

Critics point to the unyielding optimism of bitcoin and attribute it to arrogance. This then becomes a block in their mind and they assume if you evangelize for bitcoin that means you are just pumping your own bag. While that’s superficially true, a more accurate observation is that bitcoin actually practice what they preach. Bitcoiners put their money where their mouth is, not the other way around.

It may sound toxic to hear Bitcoiners say things like, “there is no alternative,” but at the end of the day toxicity is in the eye of the beholder. If your opinion of bitcoin is that it’s toxic, then I would question where you choose to get your news from. We say, “bitcoin fixes everything,” not just to be cheeky but to point out that fiat in so many ways ruins everything, and bitcoin, for once, fixes the fatal flaws in money brought about by central planning. Bitcoin is information, and information seeks to be free. The internet hit a dead end under information dictators and walled gardens, and bitcoin erodes those walls allowing participation by simply plugging into the globally interoperable network.

If you genuinely go down the bitcoin rabbit hole, you find that the only logical conclusion is to go ALL the way down it. In other words you go all in — if not financially, then at least philosophically. You’re not likely to encounter someone who claims to be a bitcoin moderate. You begin to see that bitcoin may just be the only way out of the hole we’ve dug and our best chance at living in a free society.


Defend free speech especially where it has the capacity to enrich the social and intellectual landscape.Forge a path for privacy, routing around if necessary anything that compromises the right to privacy by imposing onerous regulation.Demand honesty and accountability of our peers. Don’t rest on your laurels. Heed the meritocracy. No one deserves to be on a pedestal because of their status.Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Think adversarial. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

始終 bitcoin’s history anyone who was firmly down the rabbit hole would have appeared radical in the eyes of no-coiners; just look at Max Keiser. However it’s clear bitcoin has passed a tipping point as its network effect takes hold and feeds on itself. What started as a small group of tinfoil-hat crypto-anarchists has grown to include people from all walks of life who share in the values of hard money, as bitcoin doesn’t discriminate among its users. It is beautiful to witness the people who have been most marginalized by fiat imperialism come to have the most conviction because they see the benefits of sound money in their own lives.

最終目標當然是獲得全球認可的儲備資產,但也要確保我們以最少的附帶損害到達那裡。 這可能意味著謹慎地向前邁進,以確保我們做對了。 對於法定世界來說,這很難理解人們今天樂於在哪裡獲得報酬,並且該死的長期後果。 然而,開源開發往往是混亂的,這是我們為了去中心化而做出的權衡。

Bitcoin wasn’t born out of a vacuum; we have to consider the context in which the seed was planted in order to navigate what lies ahead. Can bitcoin alone achieve the dream of a free and open financial system? What else may be needed, that without it, bitcoin may face substantial headwinds? I think El Salvador may have something to say about this as the birthplace of the first bitcoin bond issued by a sovereign nation. Bitcoin calls on us to rethink everything about finance and economics from securities law to energy infrastructure. El Salvador showed us that we can’t wait to get permission before innovating. At times we have to be disruptive if we want to see change. And things are just heating up.

在將來 bitcoin can be said to have been a success if it becomes so entrenched in the global economy that it finally is taken for granted. In some ways that day is already here and that’s something to celebrate. The work ahead lies in improving education and user experience and making sure we don’t go backwards along the evolution of human action.

這是泰勒公園的客座帖子。 所表達的意見完全是他們自己的,不一定反映 BTC, Inc. 或 Bitcoin 雜誌.

原始來源: Bitcoin 雜誌