Top Crypto Trader Warns Bitcoin (BTC) Could Crash Much Lower Than $20,000 – Here’s Why

作者 The Daily Hodl - 1 年前 - 閱讀時間:2 分鐘

Top Crypto Trader Warns Bitcoin (BTC) Could Crash Much Lower Than $20,000 – Here’s Why

A crypto trader warns Bitcoin (BTC) could hit lower lows as a stock index tracking the performance of the 500 largest US public companies worsens.

加密分析師賈斯汀·貝內特 告訴 他的 10,400 名 YouTube 訂閱者 Bitcoin could continue sliding downwards if the S&P 500 officially turns bearish.

“如果我們看到熊市,標準普爾 500 指數真正的熊市,並且我們進入衰退(我個人認為我們已經陷入衰退),那麼我們很可能會看到標準普爾 500 指數下跌 30%、40%,甚至 50%。

看看,如果 BTC 徘徊在 20,000 美元左右,而標準普爾 500 指數僅比歷史高點下跌 19%,那麼如果標準普爾 500 指數下跌 30%、40% 或 50% 會發生什麼?

We’re going to see Bitcoin a lot lower than $20,000. I can pretty much guarantee you that now.”

Bitcoin 截至撰寫本文時,其交易價格為 20,016 美元,當日下跌略高於 1%。

According to Bennett, the S&P 500 index, which has demonstrated a strong correlation with Bitcoin since the market downturn started, has yet to enter bear market territory.

Bitcoin and the S&P 500 have been tracking each other ever since this sell-off started. And right now BTC is off its all-time high by quite a bit but the S&P 500 is only off its all-time high by 19%. Twenty percent is the start of a bear market, so 19% is nothing.”

儘管 Bitcoin falling below $18,000 before quickly recovering, the crypto analyst does not believe the bottom has been reached.

“首先也是最重要的是,我們顯然有一個從近期低點形成的上升通道,該低點位於 17,600 美元左右。

Now I know a lot of people think that this is the macro bottom for BTC. I tend to disagree with that and I think a lot of people think this is the bottom because for a long time everybody was thinking that if we did see a bear market we’d see Bitcoin around $20,000 and then we would see a bounce.”


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特色圖片:Shutterstock/Jorm S

該職位 Top Crypto Trader Warns Bitcoin (BTC) Could Crash Much Lower Than $20,000 – Here’s Why 最早出現 每日霍德.

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