烏克蘭展示瞭如何 Bitcoin 可以改變開發中國家

By Bitcoin 雜誌 - 2 年前 - 閱讀時間:4 分鐘

烏克蘭展示瞭如何 Bitcoin 可以改變開發中國家

的成長 bitcoin adoption in Ukraine offers a template for other countries where people seek dependable stores of value.

本文從奧地利經濟學派的角度描述了發展中國家集中計劃和政府乾預的失敗。 許多製度和金融問題阻礙普通公民實現金融穩定和經濟自由。

The case of Ukraine is used to demonstrate the positive transformation that can be achieved via the growing adoption of Bitcoin. The relevant implications for personal finance, pensions, capital accumulation, economic independence and blockchain education are outlined below. The possibility of reaching a compromise on Bitcoin use among members of the public and private sector for radically transforming Ukraine’s economy is explained. The potential for promoting further positive changes in Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) region is specified.


根據本 奧地利經濟學院 (歐根·馮·龐巴維克的最初貢獻以及路德維希·馮·米塞斯和穆雷·羅斯巴德的進一步發展),資本積累和投資是可持續經濟增長的主要前提。

在其他條件相同的情況下,較低的時間偏好有助於更複雜的生產週期和更高的長期產出。 然而,大多數發展中國家都缺乏儲蓄和投資。 此外,社會經濟的高度不確定性和較低的金融穩定性導致相對較高的時間偏好和資本積累不足。


的快速採用 Bitcoin by residents of developing countries offers a unique and decentralized solution to most of the current challenges.

Ukraine As A Case Study For Bitcoin

The case of Ukraine effectively illustrates both the problems associated with traditional economic policy solutions and potential Bitcoin-related benefits. The prevalence of the fiat paper system and centralized management has created the following issues in the country:

過去十年烏克蘭的平均通貨膨脹率等於 每年XN​​UMX%. Such high inflation negatively affects savings and long-term investments in strategic projects. According to the 2021經濟自由指數, Ukraine’s economy is characterized as being mostly unfree with the lowest scores in the investment and financial freedom sectors. With the undeveloped stock market and unstable banking system, ordinary citizens have minimal opportunities for effectively investing their funds.The large-scale crisis of the post-Soviet “solidarity pension system,” intensified by demographic problems, has resulted in 80% 的單身養老金領取者 生活在貧困線以下和總理 丹尼斯·什米哈爾發出警告 關於政府15年內無力支付養老金的風險。 這種情況直接影響到當前的養老金領取者和所有僱員。

While the ineffectiveness of traditional, centralized approaches is generally recognized, even by government officials, the growing adoption of Bitcoin in Ukraine may provide unique opportunities for ordinary citizens and innovative startups:

Bitcoin allows achieving a deflationary economic environment for its owners. Bitcoin has appreciated to the Ukrainian national currency hryvnya by 約17,000% since its creation in 2009. Thus, every person receives an adequate opportunity to not only protect their savings from inflation, but also enjoy their considerable appreciation of the invested funds in the following years. The decentralized nature of Bitcoin makes it available for all people globally, although some governments impose restrictions in this field. However, most authorities, including the Ukrainian government, recognize the emergence of a new economic reality and have 合法化 Bitcoin. For this reason, even despite the existing regulatory issues with open markets in the country, Ukrainians can effectively integrate into the global financial and innovative system. Startups can effectively present their innovations to foreign partners and strategic investors. Blockchain technologies contribute to the growing demand for new projects based on a peer-to-peer network and cryptographic keys. Thus, the rates of capital accumulation may increase proportionally with positive implications for different sectors of Ukraine’s economy. Bitcoin also creates additional opportunities for minimizing the prevalence of corruption and government inefficiencies of different types. According to 最近的聲明, Ukrainian government officials own some 46,351 BTC, implying their recognition of the unique benefits of Bitcoin as a store of value and decentralized blockchain system. The growing consensus on Bitcoin among members of the public and private sector is crucial for transforming Ukraine into a more open society with the recognition of basic economic rights for all citizens. Regardless of the progress in government reforms’ implementation, current employees can invest their funds in bitcoin to accumulate sufficient savings that will allow them to increase the purchasing power of their assets in the long run. The most important aspect is that every person becomes able to independently and effectively ensure their financial stability, rather than remaining a passive object of government policies.Bitcoin significantly affects the intellectual climate in Ukraine, creating the higher demand for the quality of cryptocurrency analytics. Bitcoin Magazine recently established a 烏克蘭新聞局 that may provide the informational assistance to increasing Bitcoin adoption in Eastern Europe and the CIS region. The CEO of Bitcoin 雜誌, 戴維·貝利,強調了薩爾瓦多和烏克蘭等發展中國家在決定貨幣未來方面的關鍵作用。

The above evaluation indicates that developing countries experience the most urgent need for utilizing the unique financial and technological opportunities associated with Bitcoin adoption by residents of their countries. The case of Ukraine proves the possibility of the rapid transformation of the regulatory, institutional and intellectual environment under the impact of innovative and decentralized solutions. The higher rates of innovation and capital accumulation may contribute to the growing national and global sustainability with the main priority assigned to economic freedom of every person.

這是 Dmytro Kharkov 的客座帖子。 所表達的意見完全是他們自己的,不一定反映 BTC Inc 或 Bitcoin 雜誌.

原始來源: Bitcoin 雜誌