我們需要加密點對點層 Bitcoin 為了隱私

By Bitcoin 雜誌 - 1 年前 - 閱讀時間:3 分鐘

我們需要加密點對點層 Bitcoin 為了隱私

By making traffic between network peers encrypted, Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 324 can improve privacy by hiding node locations and other private data.

以下是Marty's Bent Issue的直接摘錄 #1231: “BIP 324 would bring encryption to bitcoin's P2P layer and it needs some review. 在此處註冊新聞通訊.

Visualizing how encrypting data can obfuscate network connections via bip324.com

As some of you freaks may be aware, Bitcoin is by no means a perfect system. Satoshi Nakamoto launched the protocol in January 2009, and gifted the world with a sly, roundabout way to take money out of the hands of the government so that we can get back to an economic system built on truly free markets and an accurate pricing mechanism. However, that doesn't mean Nakamoto was infallible. There are aspects of Bitcoin that can be significantly improved. One of those aspects is privacy at the peer-to-peer layer where transactions are broadcast and propagated.

自成立以來,網絡上的對等點一直使用未加密的連接相互通信。 這種類型的通信使對等層的網絡參與者容易受到中間人攻擊,在這種情況下,邪惡的行為者(如政府)可以坐在網絡的頂部並識別正在運行的節點和正在運行的節點。廣播哪個交易。 事實上,在一份由國防高級研究計劃局 (DARPA) 外包並於上週發布的報告中。 研究人員(他們的報告充滿了許多不准確之處)確實正確地強調了這一不足,並將其確定為不法分子攻擊網絡的途徑。

通過 比特的踪跡

This is a critical attack vector that could be made significantly more secure by making it so traffic between peers is encrypted. Luckily for us, there is Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP)324, which would do just this. BIP324 has been around for many years, but hasn't been merged and set live at the peer-to-peer layer yet. However, earlier today, Bitcoin core maintainer Wladimir van der Laan 上了Twitter 向 BIP324 發出信號,並向其他開發人員發出行動呼籲,以審查長期閒置的拉取請求 (PR)。 似乎這個 BIP 被忽略了,可以使用一些愛。

Let this rag serve as a signal boost of van der Laan’s signal boost. If you are a developer who is interested in making the Bitcoin network more private and less susceptible to somewhat trivial attacks at the peer-to-peer layer, give these PRs some love by giving them a review and some feedback. Review is necessary to get the network closer to implementing better privacy tech into the bitcoin stack (if that review deems it acceptable and worthy), so let's push this issue forward.


原始來源: Bitcoin 雜誌