Bitcoin ارتفاع بنسبة 7,000% منذ أن وصفها أسانج بأنها "الشيء الأكثر إثارة للاهتمام على الإنترنت"

By Bitcoin المجلة - منذ شهرين - مدة القراءة: 7 دقائق

Bitcoin ارتفاع بنسبة 7,000% منذ أن وصفها أسانج بأنها "الشيء الأكثر إثارة للاهتمام على الإنترنت"

في مثل هذا اليوم قبل تسع سنوات، مؤسس ويكيليكس جوليان أسانج made his most substantial public remarks on the nature of Bitcoin, a then five-year-old project that had just broken into the financial mainstream by passing $1,000 the year prior.

At that time, Assange was not new to Bitcoin. In fact, Wikileaks had discussed accepting Bitcoin since as far back as 2010, when تم بذل الجهود المبكرة من قبل المستخدمين لتعريف الوكالة الصحفية بطريقة الدفع.

Ultimately, Wikileaks began accepting Bitcoin in 2011, a move the organization has since credited for helping break its banking blockade in the wake of its publishing of classified U.S. government information. 

هكذا قال، مقابلة عام 2014, unearthed by Bitcoin Historian Pete Rizzo, shows Assange was every bit as convinced about the technology years later.

In the video, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange makes a bold statement about Bitcoin that has since proved to be remarkably accurate. In the interview, Assange labeled Bitcoin as "the most interesting thing on the internet," and his words have aged well as the cryptocurrency has seen a staggering surge in value over the years.

At the time of the interview, Bitcoin was trading at a fraction of its current value, yet Wikileaks was using the technology as a publishing platform, in part, to prove the existence of information it published.

Elsewhere in the interview, Assange discussed the nature of Bitcoin, and cryptography in general, as a tool for civilians to resist government overreach. 

وقال: "إن قدرة التشفير على خلق مواقف يمكنها من خلالها الدفاع عن الأشخاص الذين يستخدمونها ضد القوة الكاملة لقوة عظمى. إن القوة الكاملة للقوة العظمى لا تساعدك على حل مشكلة رياضية". "إنه ليس شيئًا يمكنك الحصول عليه من خلال القوة القسرية الساحقة."

Assange's foresight regarding Bitcoin's significance is evident when we consider the cryptocurrency's remarkable price trajectory since the interview. In 2014, Bitcoin was trading at approximately $380 per coin across exchanges. 

سريعًا إلى الأمام حتى عام 2023 ، و Bitcoin is trading at $28,000, marking an increase of over 7,000% in the nine years since.

As Bitcoin continues to mature and gain acceptance, it remains closely tied to the principles of decentralization and censorship resistance that Assange and WikiLeaks championed. Assange is still in prison for publishing key information in the public interest, and his fight for freedom remains a core Bitcoin يسبب.

المصدر الأصلي: Bitcoin مدونة